Foodvez Health Foods Online Store
The liver, the largest internal organ in our body is the hub of metabolism. It is where our carbohydrates and fats are converted to their storage forms, and various proteins and enzymes are synthesized. Also, most of the drugs we take are broken down here. In addition, the liver is responsible for producing a fluid called bile which is crucial for fat absorption.

Foodvez Health Foods Online Store

The liver, the largest internal organ in our body is the hub of metabolism. It is where our carbohydrates and fats are converted to their storage forms, and various proteins and enzymes are synthesized. Also, most of the drugs we take are broken down here. In addition, the liver is responsible for producing a fluid called bile which is crucial for fat absorption. As it is clear that the liver is an organ with manifold metabolic.

Liver cells are constantly exposed to toxins like alcohol, drugs, and chemicals. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you consume healthy food for the liver so that it stays in good health. As it is clear that the liver is an organ with manifold metabolic and synthetic functions, it is understandable that it can often get worn out. 

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