Feel energised this winter...
If you live in Scotland, the long dark winter can make you feel drained and lethargic. I want to help you feel more alive and energised this year.

The easiest thing to do during the winter in Scotland is to stay indoors in the warmth. There is no doubt this is a very pleasant thing to do, however not balancing this with some movement and fresh air can leave you feeling drained and lacking any energy.

So why do we feel we have no energy in the winter?

Daylight and sunshine play a big part in this.  We get a natural boost of energy on a sunny day but when it is dark when we go to work and dark when we get back, it is normal to feel like hibernating. 

Vitamin D is an important vitamin and we got most of it from sunlight.  In Scotland, we cannot get enough sunlight from October to March for our bodies to make vitamin D.  Therefore, the NHS advises us to take a Vitamin D supplement, especially during the winter months. So how does this affect our energy?  Some of the symptoms of a Vitamin D deficiency are fatigue, sadness or depression, and not sleeping well. 

How to boost your energy 

Take a Vitamin Supplement

Take a Vitamin D supplement. It is an important vitamin that helps regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body which is important for bone, teeth and muscle health.  Taking it will help relieve many of the Vitamin D deficiency symptoms such as fatigue and lack of energy.

Go Outside

Just the process of forcing yourself outside for a walk can boost your energy.  You don't have to walk miles.  Even a short wander around your garden looking at the plants and birds can lift your mood. A brisk walk for half an hour will raise your heart rate, get your blood pumping, and get your muscles working. When you return home or to your desk at work you will have much more energy for the task ahead.  Your body will also be grateful as it doesn't like being still for long periods. 

Take up a New Hobby

Doing something new can be daunting and even a bit scary.  But usually, once we join a new group or class, we find that everyone is friendly and it's not scary at all. Looking forward each week to your new class will give you a boost in energy.  Just meeting new people and having fresh conversations can lift your mood.

Increase your Fitness

I hear the groans!  Many of you will not want to do any exercise, however, it is proven to boost endorphins which make you feel good and can give you a natural high.

In Edinburgh, Julia McCabe started her company, fitandhappy, because she want to help women enjoy exercise and become fitter and healthier.  You can start off by taking one of her online classes from the comfort of your own home but most of her classes are outdoors as she advocates the benefits of training outside with a group of like-minded friendly people.  

Attending a boot camp outside, during the winter in Scotland, can take a bit of effort but the rewards will be worthwhile.  You are likely to make new friends, you will get fitter, you will laugh, and most importantly you will feel energised!

fitandhappy's boot camps are suitable for women of all ages, all levels of fitness, and all shapes and sizes. 










