SAP Evaluation | DOT Qualified SAP | Call us at 800 683 7745
The SAP Evaluation is a process that is designed to identify the substance abuse patterns and the needs of the patient. It also helps in determining the type of treatment that is needed.

SAP Evaluation | DOT Qualified SAP | Call us at 800 683 7745

The SAP Evaluation is a process that is designed to identify the substance abuse patterns and the needs of the patient. It also helps in determining the type of treatment that is needed. There are many types of substance abuse evaluations. The most common ones are a general evaluation and an assessment for addiction. The general evaluation includes questions about your drug use, mental health, mood, social life and more. The assessment for addiction includes questions about your drug use, withdrawal symptoms and more.


The DOT Qualified SAP is the one that has been proven to be safe and effective for many people. It is important to find the best substance abuse evaluation near me because it can help you or your loved ones get the treatment they need. Substance abuse is a major public health problem. It is estimated that about 1 in 8 Americans over age 12 have a substance use disorder. Drugs, alcohol and tobacco are the most commonly abused substances, but others are also abused including prescription drugs, inhalants and steroids. The treatment of substance abuse can be challenging and in some cases controversial. The goal of treatment is to reduce the severity of symptoms and risk of relapse while improving the individual's quality of life.