Why Should Startups Invest in White Label Opensea Clone? Know Key Benefits
An NFT marketplace has been quickly changing over the last years. In the market reaching a $40 billion valuation in 2021 and holding strong in 2022 and looking at this figure, it seems like the number of NFT marketplaces have only multiplied with each passing day. Earlier, only large enterprises had their own NFT marketplace but now you can see each and every business is having some kind of advanced solution that allows their users to create, buy, sell, and trade NFTs with advanced features.

If you’re ready to enter the NFT market or want to launch your own NFT marketplace, choose a reputable and cost-effective NFT marketplace development company to create your own  NFT marketplace for your high revenue needs.

There are many NFT marketplaces dominating the whole industry but Opensea has achieved the top position in the NFT market. Take a look at any NFT marketplace and you will imagine a peek of Opensea. It proves that nothing beats Opensea when it comes to developing an NFT marketplace. 

The Opensea NFT marketplace doesn’t have any explanation. OpenSea is the largest NFT marketplace, having launched in 2017, and it’s also among the leading NFT marketplaces active today. It hosts many popular NFTs, including art, music, photography, trading cards, and virtual worlds.

Opensea’s success has enticed many startups to jump into the NFT market but how to develop the same NFT marketplace as Opensea? How much does it cost? What benefits startups can avail themselves? Keep reading this blog post.  

What is Opensea?

Opensea has vanquished the NFT market across the globe but how? Currently, startups and NFT owners are cloning Opensea to enter the market. Opensea is an online NFT marketplace that allows users to create, buy, sell, and trade N number of digital collectibles and NFTs with real-time tracking features. 

So, if you are another enthusiastic entrepreneur, looking for an NFT marketplace like Opensea for your crypto business, we suggest you opt for a white label Opensea clone that allows you to establish your NFT marketplace business in as little as ten days. 


Now, let’s see what benefits entrepreneurs avail from white label Opensea Clone Solutions. 

What are the Benefits of White Label Opensea Clone Script?

Executing a readymade platform is best for entrepreneurs who want to make it bigger in the crypto industry within a fixed time budget who are new to the business and don’t want to waste many resources in developing their own custom NFT marketplace like Opensea. It helps them to make a strong online presence in the market and allows them to attract larger users worldwide. Now, let’s see how white label Opensea clone software is beneficial for entrepreneurs. Keep reading on. 

It Won't Break Your Fund

Think up for a while, you are about to start an NFT marketplace, all you need to conduct is market research, hire developers, designers, and testers, also need to consult some entrepreneurs before starting an NFT marketplace, and so on. The process seems awful as it requires more time and money. While choosing a white label solution, all you need to do is find the best Opensea clone script that fits your business requirements. It also offers some customized options and gets things done at affordable pricing. 

Fast Turnaround Time

For companies looking to enter a market rapidly, they should surely select white label solutions as it won’t waste further time and allow them to hit the market quickly. For instance, there are many NFT marketplaces across the globe. If a company wants to seize the opportunity where there is no NFT marketplace, having an instant solution helps them to get many benefits. 

Well-off Your Business Under Your Brand

Executing a white label solution means you can sell it under your preferred brand name. All you want to do is change the logo, themes and certain things, and you are done. This can ensure your users will come to you and not explore the product from a competitor. Adopting white label solutions to your NFT marketplace business can give you numerous advantages and also enable you to use that money in the expansion of the business. 

Enough Time to Expand

This is the most necessary benefit taken into the discussion as all the backend work will be managed by the providers. Entrepreneurs can spend greate time in marketing and other core business activities. That automatically boosts business and helps them to acquire the best tile in the NFT market. 

No Technical & Coding Skill Required

Startups or even well-established business owners do not have that many technical and coding skills so they wish to choose readymade Opensea clone script solutions. Moreover, they can choose what kind of features they want, and what API they want to integrate, and still get the best NFT marketplace in the shortest time. On the other hand, if you want to develop an NFT marketplace from scratch, it requires more money, resources, and time. But it won’t be the case if you go with a white label Opensea Clone Script. 


NFT marketplace business is skyrocketing and entrepreneurs globally are using the opportunity to enjoy profit in this lucrative market. Therefore, choosing a reliable and powerful Opensea clone script is the best solution as it comes with modern and advanced features and satisfies all the business needs while spending less. There are many advantages of white label opensea clone script but the above-mentioned prove that it is worth every penny spent on it. 

So don’t wait much and adopt the best white label Opensea clone software for your NFT marketplace business that helps you excel in-market presence in the least possible time.  

Create a NFT Marketplace using ready-to-launch Opensea Clone Script


  • It is a 100% tailored-made and unique dashboard
  • The superior Opensea clone script has a cutting-edge admin comfort and an stunning user dashboard.
  • This script is built on top of the immutable blockchain network - Ethereum, Polygon and more.
  • The white label solutions in this Opensea clone script allows complete branding and personalization.
  • Instant deployment.
  • Cost-effective NFT marketplace clone script.
  • Create high ROI in a short span of time with ideal strategies.
  • This script is developed by the finest NFT marketplace development team.
  • Highly suitable and adaptable on both mobile and website.
  • Pre-loaded with all essential NFT marketplace features.

Hivelance - Opensea clone script software provider

Hivelance is the supreme Opensea clone script provider in the global NFT marketplace. Being a leading provider in the NFT sector, we provide all kinds of customizable NFT marketplace clone script solutions to our trusted clients and our script is multi-tested and bug-free. We have an experienced and dedicated pool of developers who are experts in developing and delivering the secure p2p NFT marketplace similar to Opensea based on client satisfaction within the short duration time.


We, at Hivelance, use cutting-edge technology tools to create the updated Opensea clone software. We provide complete admin, user support and security support to our script making it the most developed peer-to-peer NFT marketplace like Opensea. We have a dedicated team of experts who provide 24/7 technical and customer support via online.

Check the free demo of our ready-made Opensea clone script and Build your own p2p NFT marketplace like Opensea with Hivelance right now!