How to ship your goods directly to Amazon FBA?
​If you are planning on shipping your goods directly to Amazon FBA, there are several things you need to consider first. You need to know what type of shipment you can send and how to go about it. Also, you need to find a distribution center that offers both freight forwarding and customs clearance. This is especially important if you are shipping something that is not eligible for FedEx.


Lithium battery shipping requirements

If you're shipping lithium batteries to Amazon FBA, you'll need to follow a few important guidelines. Lithium batteries pose a high safety risk if they are not properly packaged and shipped. The United Nations (UN) has created specific rules and regulations that you should follow.

The shipment of lithium batteries is classified as dangerous goods. They have to be labeled and packed according to the UN's IMDG Code. You must also get a UN number classification for your batteries.

If your battery is made after 2003, it must be tested. If you don't have the test results, you may be blocked from selling it on Amazon. You'll need to contact your supplier or manufacturer to get more information.

Depending on how your package Storage is being shipped, you might have to provide a material safety data sheet. These documents explain the battery's properties and handling methods.

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Choosing a distribution center that offers freight forwarding and customs clearance

If you want to ship your goods directly to Amazon FBA, there are several options to consider. You can either send your products through the seller's local delivery company, or you can choose a distribution center that offers freight forwarding and customs clearance.

The cost of shipping will vary depending on the type of freight you choose. Among the most common methods are air freight and sea freight. The choice of method is important because it determines the transit time and cost.

Using a freight forwarder can make the process easier. These companies are licensed experts and can handle all aspects of the shipment. They can provide advice and assistance when you need it. They are often better at getting the best shipping rates than the supplier. They can also help you with the complicated international shipping process.

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Verifying and reviewing shipping details on Amazon inventory placement tool

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Setting up an Amazon FBA shipment with the Send To Amazon workflow

Getting started with the Send To Amazon workflow can be a bit daunting. But with some planning, it can be easy. Regardless of whether you're shipping to Amazon or to your local UPS store, you should have the steps below in place before you begin.

The first step to creating an Amazon FBA shipment is to select the inventory you plan to ship. This includes choosing whether you're sending individual products or case-packed products. You can also select the type of shipping service, which can be either FedEx or UPS.

The next step is to enter all of the details for your shipment. This includes your contact information, shipping service, weight, dimensions, product title, shipping method, and shipping address. If you are preparing a shipment for a carrier that is not an Amazon-partnered carrier, you'll have to provide additional tracking information.

Reconciling your shipments

Keeping up with your FBA shipments can be a time-consuming process. However, you can make it easier for yourself by using the tools available on the Internet.

The one-time reconcile feature in SoStocked's Purchase Order system allows you to bypass the cumbersome work order procedure. This feature is particularly useful if you are a new Amazon Seller, or if you have many shipments to reconcile.

Another option is to use a service like Brightpearl. This Express service lets you run a report on your FBA shipments. This report shows you the latest updates on your inventory. It includes suggested adjustments and stock corrections. It also helps you match your Amazon FBA inventory to your central inventory records.

The one-time reconcile feature does not include all shipments. If you have a large number of shipments to reconcile, you may have to delegate the task to an assistant.