IT Cloud Myths Debunked
The adoption of cloud computing is increasing as more than 50 percent of U.S. companies have elected to take advantage of one or more cloud-based solutions or services. It is a compelling and appealing way to acquire IT capabilities while reducing costs. For core financial processes such as accounting and budgeting, the cloud offers new and innovative ways of working that are more economical and operationally practical than the traditional on-premise deployment of these software applications.

IT Cloud Myths Debunked

The adoption of cloud computing is increasing as more than 50 percent of U.S. companies have elected to take advantage of one or more cloud-based solutions or services. It is a compelling and appealing way to acquire IT capabilities while reducing costs. For core financial processes such as accounting and budgeting, the cloud offers new and innovative ways of working that are more economical and operationally practical than the traditional on-premise deployment of these software applications.

In an Aberdeen Group research, Mid-market companies were asked to choose one or more factors were driving their consideration for the cloud. The top market drivers for cloud consideration that emerged out of the research are:

  • Must reduce IT costs (35%)
  • Need for collaboration amongst increasing number of locations (31%)
  • Increasingly global workforce working in multiple time zones (24%)
  • Cost of capital funding is too high (24%)
  • Dated technology infrastructure (22%)