How Much Does It Cost To Build An Event Ticket Booking App?
Event ticket booking apps are now catching the attention of budding entrepreneurs. This blog is all about the cost estimation and features of building an event app.

How Much Does It Cost To Build An Event Ticket Booking App?

The online event management app development market is growing at a rapid speed as people seem to be much more interested in booking online tickets than offline. As per reports, the online events ticketing market size was valued at $56.36 billion in 2021 and is expected to touch the valuation of $74.67 billion from the year 2022 to 2027, at a CAGR of 4.8%.

With smartphone utilization at its peak, online ticket sales have found their own popularity due to the flexibility and convenience of the process. Event organizers or service providers are now developing appealing and user-friendly mobile interfaces that have resulted in faster and quicker ticket purchases without any hassle.

Event ticket booking apps are now becoming significant as people want the ease of accessing information on their mobile devices. Besides offering event information, the event app owner can decide the level of creativity which needs to be applied to ensure high engagement of the users. Currently, there are several options like splash screens, interactive exhibitor maps, banners, coupons, notifications, discounts, multiple events, single events, social activity feeds, and much more, all of which come in the events ticket booking system.

One of the most important factors that influence the event management app development cost is the developers’ skill and expertise involved in the project. The team must have some experience in developing a robust event management mobile application or mobile event app software that generates great RoI.

Top Categories for Ticket Booking App Solutions

The entire event management app development services are bolstering every year, owing to the high demand for event ticket booking app solutions. Here is a list of a few popular categories for online event ticket booking.

Musical Shows

Sports Shows

Movie Shows

Cultural Events

Conferences and Seminars

Tech Stack Required in an Event Planning App

The toolset or tech stack that we follow to offer Eventbrite-like app development services includes a range of robust backend tools and an intuitive frontend stack. In addition to those, we add APIs that are designed to offer your users a seamless experience throughout.

The most honest answer to the cost to make a mobile app like Eventbrite, which looks into both management and ticket booking, is dependent on a number of factors. Just like your usual mobile apps development company in Dubai cost estimate.

But with that said, if you are looking for an event management app that works around the exact list of features that we enlisted above, the cost range can be estimated.

Even if it’s an approximate level.

Now without beating around the bush, let’s give you a clear answer.

The event management and ticket booking app development cost range will fall somewhere in the range of $50,000 and $80,000, considering you are creating the application along the lines of the technology and feature set that we shared.

This cost range is one that includes everything from design to development and maintenance of your mobile app.