The Dark Side of the Black Hoodie
While the black hoodie has become a popular fashion statement, it also has a darker side. The garment has been associated with criminal activity and has even been banned in some places. But why has the black hoodie gained such a negative reputation?


While the black hoodie has become a popular fashion statement, it also has a darker side. The garment has been associated with criminal activity and has even been banned in some places. But why has the black hoodie gained such a negative reputation?


The Association with Criminal Activity

The black hoodie has been associated with criminal activity for decades. In the 1990s, the FBI identified the black hoodie as a garment worn by gang members and criminals to conceal their identity. Today, many surveillance cameras and security personnel are trained to be suspicious of anyone wearing a black hoodie.


The Bans on Black Hoodies

In some places, the black hoodie has been banned altogether. In 2011, a mall in Kentucky banned the wearing of hoodies on its premises, citing concerns over theft and criminal activity. In 2013, a school district in California banned hoodies as part of its dress code policy.


The Impact on Society

The negative associations of the black hoodie have had a significant impact on society. Some people view anyone wearing a black hoodie as suspicious or dangerous, even if they are not involved in criminal activity. This can lead to discrimination and prejudice. Additionally, the bans on black hoodies can be seen as an infringement on personal freedom and expression.



While the black hoodie may be a popular fashion statement, it also carries with it a negative stigma and associations with criminal activity. The bans on black hoodies and the suspicion they generate can lead to discrimination and infringe on personal freedom. It's important to recognize that not everyone who wears a black hoodie is a criminal, and that clothing should not be used to make assumptions about an individual's character.