When to Call a Tree Removal Service: 5 Signs You Should Get Help
It's easy to forget that trees are living things like humans and pets. But just like people and animals, trees can get sick and need treatment.

If your tree is showing signs of sickness or decay, you should consider getting Boroondara Tree Removal before it causes further damage to your property or home. Here's what you need to know about when to cut down a tree in order to keep your yard looking its best this season:

Dead or dying trees

If a tree is dead or dying, it will exhibit some of the following signs:

Leaves turn yellow or brown and fall off in clumps. If you see this happening, it's time to call Best Boroondara Tree Removal service professional.

Branches die back from the trunk of your tree. This can be an indication that there are internal issues within your tree that need to be addressed immediately by a professional arborist.

The bark becomes discoloured on any part of your tree's trunk or branches. This can indicate that there are nutrient deficiencies in the soil where your trees are planted, which may lead to other problems down the road (like root rot).

dead or dying trees

Visible signs of decay

Visible signs of decay. A good tree service provider will be able to identify visible signs that a tree is decaying, such as discolouration, cracks and holes. These are all warning signs that the tree is dying from the inside out and could become unstable at any time. If you notice these, you should call a professional immediately before it becomes a safety hazard for your property or for others nearby.

Dead branches can fall off without warning

If your yard has dead or broken branches hanging from your tree, these can come down without any warning at any time due to weakened supporting structures caused by rotting wood inside the trunk of your tree. 

When this happens, there is no way to predict where they will land so it's best not take chances when it comes to keeping yourself safe by having these removed properly by professionals who know how much pressure each branch can support before breaking away without warning.

Infected trees

If you can see the tree is diseased, or if there is a lot of fungus around the base of the tree, then it is time to remove it. A diseased tree is not only unsightly and dangerous but can also pose a threat to your house and other nearby structures.

If your trees are in need of pruning due to storm damage or disease, experts are always there to help you.

Too close to the home or other buildings

  • The tree is too close to the house, which means it might hit your home and damage it during a windstorm.
  • The tree is too close to power lines, which can cause electrical fires in your home.
  • The tree is too close to the driveway, so you might get hit by falling branches if there's a storm.
  • The tree could fall into your pool and make a mess out of it!


As we highlighted in this post, you should never attempt to remove a tree yourself. This is a job for an arborist who has the proper equipment and training to do so safely. Arborists are also familiar with all the local regulations regarding Boroondara Tree Removal and can help you navigate any legal requirements that might apply. 
