My Travel Experience on Holiday in Africa
My travel experience to Africa

For some, traveling is a hobby, for others traveling is a necessity. But for me, traveling is like a passion. I am Mathew Segal, a middle-aged traveling enthusiast from the land of Gods, Kerala. Traveling is a passion for me; I like to explore new places whenever possible.

My travel experience to Africa

For some, traveling is a hobby, for others traveling is a necessity. But for me, traveling is like a passion. I am Mathew Segal, a middle-aged traveling enthusiast from the land of Gods, Kerala. Traveling is a passion for me; I like to explore new places whenever possible.

Be it a domestic trip or a foreign trip, I am always ready to start on my voyage. And in this, traveling agencies have helped me a lot. On a recent trip, I covered the safari land of Africa. I tried to explore the country’s most popular places and here Earth Travels was a support for me. Earth Travels is a Delhi-based travel agency that provides you with preplanned travel packages. Their travel and tour packages cover almost all the beautiful destinations around the world. But in case you want to get your package customized, then also it is possible. They will help you navigate well in your planning and then if possible they will provide you with the best local guide to the place. And all this you can enjoy at a very affordable price.

On this journey to Africa, they helped me guide through the destination and prevented me from missing the perfect tourist places in Africa. The Safari experience is the best of all. So, in this article today, I will share with you all my African trip experience and guide you through the reasons for a must-visit trip to Africa, once in a lifetime. 

Reasons to visit Africa on a trip

Africa and its land are well-known around the globe, for its vibrant culture and the dominant wildlife. Usually, people prefer to go and enjoy a trip to Africa if they are wildlife lovers. But, it’s not the only reason why you should also plan your next trip to Africa. The other most popular reasons are discussed below. Let us have a close look at each of them.

Geographical Beauties

Not only the wildlife, but the land of Africa is home to various mountains, lakes, beaches, waterfalls, and islands. Ranging from its tall hill, the Morro de Africa with 139meters height above sea level to Victoria Falls, spraying from 108meters height, you can witness various beautiful geographical features in the country. Apart from this, in the Azapa Valley, you can witness the oasis where vegetables and olives are grown. The most attractive feature of the country for its visit are its tropical latitude, dry climate, and beaches.

The lakes and beaches of the country will provide you with ample opportunities to enjoy water activities like Kayaking, Canoeing, and many more. Fishing can also be an interesting activity here, Besides, on the beautiful and tall mountains of the country various trekking and mountain climbing events are organized. So, on your trip to Africa, you can also enjoy them.

History and Culture of the land

Be it social, cultural, or political, Africa has a rich history. The land is the home to the famous politician and leader of the country, Nelson Mandela. He is the one who sparked and completed the anti-apartheid revolution and freed and fought for the variety of injustices that were taking place on Africans based on color, creed, and race. During this journey, he was imprisoned on Robben Island near Cape town. Apart from this, there are various other shocking and fascinating stories related to the history of Africans. Once you visit the land, you can hear and witness them from the locals of the land.

Warming people of Africa

It’s the people living in a land, who actually describe the land. When talking to the people of Africa, they are the most friendly, warm, and welcoming individuals. When we landed on different African lands, we were greeted and welcomed so warmly by the locals. They were so warm and friendly that not only they made our trip more memorable but also allowed us to listen to their traditional folklore.

Besides, the land of Africa is home to more than 3000 tribes. Each tribe has its own language, culture, and tradition. The Zulu tribe is the largest ethnic group on the land. It has over 11 million people as its member.  Besides Zulu, you will find the Misaim group in Kenya. They are well-known around the world for their fearsome reputation as warriors and cattle rustlers. Yet, it is not over here, you can find a number of more famous tribes of Africa, living in an excitingly distinct and incredible way.

Once you visit Africa, a local tourist guide will be appointed for you. He will help you explore the land well and introduce you to the locals. This will really be a great experience. So, you should definitely try to plan your next foreign trip to Africa, you will remember it forever. 

Yummy food, tasty wine, and a unique lifestyle

As already discussed, Africa is a land that is home to more than 3000 tribes and a variety of geographical features. So, you know the advantage. With this variety of people and land, the country offers to serve you the most unique and yummy cuisines around the world. Each tribe has its own way of living. They follow a separate dress code, lifestyle, eating habits, and culture.

Apart from this, due to the favorable climate and supporting weather, the land of Africa possesses a variety of famous Wineland’s. You can enjoy here a variety of tasty wines, enjoy the process of winemaking and eat the yummy and delicious cuisine within the magnificent scenery.

Realize the real meaning of being lucky

Not just for enjoying the serene environment and the natural beauties of the land, you can also visit Africa to witness how fortunate you are. When looking at the economic conditions of many Sub-Saharian families, you will realize that they are living just a married life. Their personal-growth level is very low. Even many people here live with a mere income of 160 rupees per day, even after working for long hours and the toiling whole day. 

But this is not all, also many places in Africa have residents living without any electricity or water supply. The females of the family, need to travel long distances to collect wood and water for the family. They carry all the stuff on their heads, walking miles to reach their destination. Just not this, they carry weights to support their families that we can not also imagine holding ever. So, traveling to Africa will actually help you understand the real value of your life and will teach you to act in place of just complaining the whole day.

Best places to explore in Africa

Visit the Mountains of South Africa and Rwanda

On a tour to Africa and not visiting the mountains of the country? This will be a great loss. The Table Mountain of South Africa is one such attraction. It is one of the most photogenic places in Africa. One visiting there, you can’t limit yourself to the number of memories you can capture on the hills. Due to this mountain, Cape town is considered the most visited beach city in the country and world. Here you can also travel by cable car and witness mesmerizing sunrises and sunsets.

Another of the beautiful mountains of Africa is the Mountain Gorillas. It is situated in the Rwandan rainforest and a close encounter with the place will be a lifetime experience. At the top of the mountain, around the elevation of 6000 feet, an isolated region of Nyungwe National Park is situated. Once up there, you can traverse the highest East African canopy and meet the primates there.

Experience the beautiful Vitoria Falls in Zambia and Zimbabwe

One of the 7 natural wonders of the world, Victoria Falls is located in South Africa. It is the largest waterfall in the world. The experience of the time spent near this waterfall will make you enjoy the feel of heaven. It is so mesmerizing and soothing that you will forget all the things going around. One of the most surprising factors about this waterfall is the height of its falling. This waterfall starts spraying from a 108m high cascade and was once witnessed to flow at the rate of 12000 meters cube per second. So, make sure to add a visit to Victoria Falls on your trip to Africa. 

Visit the Lake Kivu in Rwanda

Rwanda is not only famous for its beautiful Gorilla Mountains, but also for the beautiful lakes it has. Lake Kivu is one of the most beautiful and popular lakes in Rwanda. This lake will serve you both with peace and adventure. Some of the adventurous activities that you can plan to enjoy here include sunbathing, swimming, and spending quality time with your loved ones. Besides, you can also participate in various water sports arranged here like Canoeing, windsurfing, and Kayaking.

Witness the migration in Tanzania

Africa is a beautiful land full of wildebeest and zebras. They live in the Ngorongoro Reserve of Tanzania and move on from there in January to their annual-migration journey. Where they visit the Masai Mara of Kenya around the month of September. In between their voyage to Kenya from Tanzania, they travel up through the Serengeti around June. So, if you plan to visit Africa, make sure you also visit any of the places which fall in the migration route of these great animals and witness them for real. It will be a great experience.

Enjoy shopping at Marrakech in Morocco

One of the popular cities for markets is the place of Marrakech in Morocco. It is the owner of various beautiful markets and the beholder of the most beautiful products in teh world. The biggest market of the place is the Souk (market) Semmarine. Here you can buy various unique and beautiful products like rugs, leather goods, and crockery of various sizes and shapes. Apart from doing shopping, you can also participate in various activities arranged in Marrakech like riding camels, exploring the Jewish cemeteries, and many more. So, on your trip to Africa, don’t forget to add Marrakech to your list. 

Visit São Vicente in Cape Verde

This place is a famous island of Cape Verde. It is so beautiful and mesmerizing that people from around the world come here to witness its beauty with their better halves. Family and friends trips are also common here but you can enjoy the land most with your better half. You can spend time on the beach, go hiking, enjoy the culture of the place and visit various colonial architecture and witness the tradition and culture of the land. So, what are you waiting for? If you are also a beach lover and enjoy learning about the tradition and culture of any place, make sure you visit this island of Africa. 

Make a trip to Ait Benhaddou

Ait Benhaddou is the most incredible and splendid city in Morocco. It is situated at the edge of the beautiful and high Atlas Mountains. This city due to its ancient structure and composition is also famous as the city of mud bricks. Therefore, when in Ait Benhaddou you can tour the mud buildings of the city and explore the granary of this g=hilltop city. One of the must-visit places in the city is the Mausoleum of Ben-Haddou. This place is heaven for all travelers traveling between Sahara and Marrakesh city.


Africa is a beautiful land with a rich history, culture, and knowledge. The land will allow you to witness the beautiful landscapes, terranes, beaches, and wildlife of the country. In the same land, within some ranges of distance, a variety of tribes live. Not only this, the people of the country live with lots of problems as well. Once you visit there you will understand what actually they go through daily to just arrange their meal for the day.

The traveling experience to Africa is just not for fun, but will also teach you the real meaning of life and help you understand how fortunate you are. So, next time you plan for any trip around the world, try and mark Africa on your list first. Enjoy the journey with your loved ones and enjoy the spirit of the soul throughout. For help, you can connect with Earth Travels. They will guide you rightly throughout the process and allow you to enjoy the journey to the fullest.