Install yum Ubuntu - javatpoint
Install yum Ubuntu with examples on files, directories, permission, backup, ls, man, pwd, cd, linux, linux introduction, chmod, man, shell, pipes, filters, regex, vi etc.

Install yum Ubuntu - javatpoint

YUM (Yellowdog Updater Modified) is an open-source and free command-line package management utility for systems executing the Linux OS with the help of the RPM package manager. Many other tools offer GUI to YUM functionality because YUM contains a command-line interface.

YUM permits automatic updates and package dependency management over RPM-based distros. YUM implements software repositories (set of packages) that can be locally used or on a network connection similar to the Advanced Package Tool from Debian.

During 1999-2001, Yellowdog Updater (or YUP) (the real package manager) was integrated by Dan Burcaw, Troy Bengegerdes, Stephen Edie, and Bryan Stillwell at Terra Soft Solutions as an engine of the back-end for the Yellow Dog Linux graphical installer.

Primarily, YUM evolved for updating and managing Red Hat Linux systems utilized at the Duke University Department of Physics by Michael Stenner and Seth Vidal as a complete YUM rewrite. Vidal continued to devote to YUM until he expired in North Carolina, Durham bicycle accident on July 8, 2013.

Yum focused to specify both the anticipated deficiencies in the previous APT-RPM and limitations to the tool, i.e., Red Hat up2date package management. YUM outmoded up2date in the 5 and later versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. A few authors introduce YUM as the Yellowdog Update Manager or recommend that "Your Update Manager" will be more appropriate.

Common knowledge of YUM is included as a need for Linux system administrators modified and distributed without royalty when other license terms are honored. Yum has been ported to several other OSes including ArcaOS, IBM, and AIX while it was originally made for Linux.

YUM can implement operations like:

In Python, YUM 2.x versions provide an extra interface for several programming extensions that permits the YUM behavior to be altered. Several plug-ins are by default installed. yum-utils is a commonly installed package and includes commands which apply the YUM API and several plugins.

Graphical user interfaces, called "front-end", permit easier YUM usage. YUM Extender and PackageKit are two examples. YUM Extender was depreciated for a while Fedora relocated to DNF, it was rewritten in Gtk 3 and Python 3 and has been in development progress. This new YUM Extender is present for the 34 or newer versions of Fedora.

Package information (as opposed to packages themselves) is called metadata. This metadata is combined with details in all packages for determining dependencies between the packages. The hope is to ignore a situation called dependency hell. An isolated tool, i.e., createrepo fixes up the software repositories of YUM, producing the essential metadata in the classical XML format. The mrepo tool (formerly called Yam) can aid in the maintenance and creation of repositories.

The XML repository of YUM, created with input from several other developers, became a standard for RPM-based repositories. SUSE Linux 10.1 supports repositories of YUM in YaST and the repositories, i.e., Open Build Service apply the metadata of YUM XML repository format.

Automatically, YUM integrates the remote metadata to a local client along with other tools electing to integrate only when claimed by the user. Automatic synchronization defines that YUM can't fail because the user fails to execute a command at an appropriate interval.

Some important command tags and their description are as follows:

Most options of the command line can be fixed with the help of the configuration file. The descriptions represent the essential configuration option to fix.

Step 1- Update the system

We need to execute the update command for getting the latest package information and updating package repositories:

Step 2- Install YUM

We need to execute the install command for quickly installing the packages and their dependencies:








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