When you think about the deadliest diseases in the world, you tend to think about the fast-acting, lethal pandemics that hit the headlines. But you may be surprised to know that 74% of deaths worldwide are caused due to long-lasting chronic medical conditions. Many of these conditions can be prevented with healthy lifestyles.
Insulin Resistance: The Root Cause of Lifestyle Diseases Or 5 Essential Things You Need To Know About Insulin Resistance
When you think about the deadliest diseases in the world, you tend to think about the fast-acting, lethal pandemics that hit the headlines. But you may be surprised to know that 74% of deaths worldwide are caused due to long-lasting chronic medical conditions. Many of these conditions can be prevented with healthy lifestyles. The root cause of lifestyle diseases is insulin resistance.
Insulin is a chemical or hormone produced and released from the pancreas, an organ in our abdomen. The food we eat is broken down and digested in our stomach, and the sugar from the food is absorbed into our blood, increasing blood sugar. Read more