The idea of “sleeping like a baby” isn’t necessarily as serene, as new parents quickly learn. In fact, it’s not unusual for infants to object when placed to sleep and to wake up sobbing a few hours or even minutes later.

Changing your baby’s sleep routine might help if they wake up frequently at night or fusses. If you change your little ones sleeping patterns, you might even be able to grab some shut-eye yourself. Here are some best baby sleep tips:-


  1. Have a bedtime routine 

You may establish a calming sleep routine with your infants as early as six to eight weeks old. You can incorporate anything you want into your practice but have the following in mind:


Avoid anything that is overly busy or exciting; the routine should be soothing and restful.

The last portion of the process should occur in your room or your baby’s room for at least 10 minutes (if you are sharing a room) by doing so, you may help your child link the bedroom with relaxing, pleasant activities where they can spend time with you before going to sleep. 


  1. Let your baby self-soothe


All babies wake up during the night, so if you place yours in the crib when they are already asleep, they won’t be able to identify their surroundings and will require your assistance to fall back asleep. 

Try to put your infant to bed while still awake but drowsy. Their ability to self-soothe and go to sleep and go to sleep and more, crucially, stay asleep on their own will improve, which is a fundamental objective of sleep training. 


  1. Don’t rely on feeding to get your baby to sleep

I don’t want anyone to worry about it because babies fall asleep while eating all the time, says Turgeon. However, if your baby frequently nods off during feeding, they may come to believe that they must eat in order to go back to sleep. 


This problem can be avoided by progressively moving the meal earlier until your child can complete it, finishing the routine with a calming book and song, and tucking them up while they are still awake but drowsy. You might still need to wake up in the middle of the night to feed, but this time it will be for hunger rather than soothing. 


  1. Have an early bedtime


Timing is just as significant as a pattern when thinking about how to put a baby to sleep. Babies are prepared for an early bedtime in accordance with the sun setting when their melatonin levels increased around the time they reach 8 weeks old. Instead, if you keep them up late, they are overstimulated and are more difficult to calm down.


  1. Make sure your baby eats enough during the day

Nourishment and sleep go hand in hand. A newborn should be ed on demand every two to 2.5 hours for the first eight weeks. They may not be ingesting enough at each session if they want to eat every hour or so. Keep a 24-hour journal of the amount and timing of the bottle-fed baby’s intake. Record the length of time a breastfed baby nurses in each session. 


Don’t forget to burp as well. “Sometimes we misjudge the baby’s exit from the breast or bottle as complexion when in fact the baby needs to be burped. Distracting factors include loud noise and bright lighting. When your baby starts showing more interest in their surroundings while being fed, try feeding them in a calm, dark environment.