Good toys you need for your child: Different ages and stages
What is the ideal toy for a baby? What gifts are appropriate for toddlers? Check out our list of the best toys for each stage of a child’s growth before you go shopping.

But first thing first I would suggest choosing an activity mat where your toddler can brew all the fun so they can understand when is the playing time and they can enjoy & learn. 


  1. 0 to 12 months 

Your baby can only really do observation for the first three months of their life. They notice things best when they are bright and have a bold pattern because their vision is still hazy. As long as the colors contrast with one another, toys don’t have to be black and white. As your child gets older, they will appreciate toys that appeal to their other senses as well. They currently require a lot of toys that encourage interaction in many ways, such as the following: 


They might crinkle or squeak, have a nubby feel, or be soft and cuddly. Infants frequently ingest toys: textured toys might ease teething discomfort. I would recommend you buy baby forest baby toys for your little munchkin, their toys help them to grow and entertain at the same time. 


Top toys


  • Baby mobiles with lots of patterns and colours (remove these from the crib once your baby can sit up) 

  • Rattles

  • Indestructible mirrors

  • A floor gyms

  • Display boards 

  • Soft, washable stuffed animals or dolls in bright colours with a friendly face

  • Small fabric balls with stuffing

  1. 1 to 2 years

Your infant is attracted by cause and effect and will like any toy that uses their developing motor skills and reacts to their actions. Toys that allow children to smash a ball with a hammer, play music, or display characters will be adored by young children. When a baby hits a button, certain high-tech toys designed for this age will name a letter, shape, or number. Your baby is still too young at this age to learn their ABCs, but they will enjoy playing with these toys and learning new words. 

Top toys 


  • Stacking rings

  • Nesting cups or boxes 

  • Push or pull toys that make noise or have pieces that pop up or move

  • Hammering sets that let kids pound pegs or balls through holes. 

  • Simple, study musical instruments such as tambourines, drums or maracas.

  • Shape sorters

  • Play vehicles such as a school bus or a fire engine, and plastic people that ride in them.

  • Puzzles with four or five pieces

  • Rubber ducks or toy boats

  1. 2 to 3 years

Now that they have the fine motor abilities necessary to finish a puzzle or construct a structure out of blocks by themselves, your child’s play is more intentional. They’ll begin to take pleasure in pretend play that mimics the behaviours of those around them. They will also enjoy technological toys that mimic real-world sounds, like talking dolls or phones that ring. Don’t worry if your little one plays in a gendered fashion if you don’t practice gender stereotypes in your home. Let children play with the toys they prefer, regardless of their gender. At this age, children are still highly active, and the majority of them still like push-and-pull toys.            


Top toys 


  • Dolls and stuffed animals 

  • Props for make-believe play, such as a toy telephone, a tea-party set, a play kitchen, or a doll stroller

  • Ride-on toys, tricycles, and balance bikes

  • Musical instruments (popular ones include toy pianos with flashing lights that show kids what keys to press) 

  • Large transportation toys with buttons that make a horn honk or a siren whistle

  • Puzzles

  • Construction toys that snap together