What is Coronary Angiography and how to study its results
Coronary angiography is a procedure that helps discover if there is a blockage in the artery.

Your heart works very hard to ensure that your body works normally. However, sometimes, even the heart faces difficulties in pumping blood. This could be because of any reason. Whenever there is a blockage in the coronary artery, it can restrict the blood from flowing like before. Coronary angiography is a procedure that helps discover if there is a blockage in the artery. Let us have a look at the procedure’s details and how you can understand its results.

What is Coronary angiography?


If there is a blockage in your coronary artery, the doctor would suggest coronary angiography. This is because the obstruction could make you susceptible to aortic stenosis, heart attack, or Systolic heart failure. In the test, a contrast dye is injected into the arteries through the catheter. The Doctor watches the flow of blood on the X-ray screen. 

During the test, you are given a sedative that helps in relaxing. The doctor cleans a part of your arm or groin and numbs it. A tube called a Catheter is then inserted and then made to reach an artery in the heart. You will not feel the movement of the Catheter inside your body.

How will you feel during the test?


A burning sensation is felt when the dye is inserted into the body. Post the test, pressure has to be applied to the area from where the catheter is inserted into the body. If that area was in the groin, you might have to lie flat on the back. This is necessary to prevent any bleeding. You will have to drink lots of water, so the contrast dye is flushed out.

Results of Coronary angiography

The results will display if there is any blockage in the blood flowing in your heart. Any abnormal result means there is something that is stopping the flow of blood. If there is a blocked artery, the Cardiologist would decide the future course of action. He could suggest an angioplasty and insert an intracoronary stent to fasten the blood flow.

Some risks of coronary angiography are:

  • Bleeding or signs of bruising
  • Clotting
  • Injury in the vein or artery
  • Slight risk of stroke or heart attack
  • Low blood pressure

Recovery from test

Once you have got the coronary angiography, you might feel uneasy. The following steps will help you recover soon.

  • Rest and drink lots of water. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Avoid driving, working, or doing any job that requires concentration.
  • Remove your bandage after 24 hours. If you see any discharge apply a new bandage.
  • Avoid heavy exercise for the next 2 days
  • Do not apply lotion near that area
  • See the doctor a week after the test is over

Summing up


Your heart shows signs of weakening. If there is a blockage in any artery, Coronary angiography could help fix it. Dr. Raghu has been handling all heart-related problems, and his experience is commendable. With his help, you can combat any heart-related defects and issues. Contact him to find out how Coronary angiography could serve in removing any blockage in the heart.