The Causes of Soft Teeth Syndrome and How to Prevent It
All What you need to know about Soft Teeth syndrome : Symptoms, Cause, Treatment and Prevention

f you’ve ever had a cavity, you know how painful and damaging they can be. But did you know that not all dental issues are that severe? In fact, there’s a lesser known dental condition that is almost as common as cavities – and it’s called soft teeth syndrome. Tooth surface decay or erosion is very common among adults today because of our unhealthy habits.We tend to neglect our oral health, drinking soda or juice daily, smoking, eating sugary snacks and processed foods; basically anything that’s acidic in nature.



What is Soft Teeth Syndrome?

Soft teeth syndrome is a condition in which the tooth enamel (the hard outer layer of the teeth) becomes worn away. This can cause teeth to become discolored, brittle, and/or more susceptible to decay and sensitivity. In severe cases, the teeth may even crack or crumble. In order to understand why this happens, you need to know a little bit about the enamel—the hard outer layer of the teeth. The enamel is the hardest tissue in the body, and it protects the softer underlying dentin from damage. Enamel is mostly composed of minerals like calcium, phosphate, and fluoride. When soft teeth syndrome occurs, the minerals from the enamel break down and/or are worn away. This process happens over time, so it’s not like you can feel it happening. The only way to know there’s a problem is by seeing a dentist for an examination.


Soft Teeth Treatment

There are many ways to treat soft teeth syndrome. Your dentist will discuss the best treatment option for you based on the condition of your teeth and your oral health habits. - Brushing and flossing - Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day are the most important things you can do for your oral health. Make sure to choose a toothpaste that’s formulated for sensitive teeth. - Using mouthwashes - Mouthwashes that contain fluoride can help strengthen the enamel and prevent further tooth decay. - Switching to softer dental products - Switching to a softer toothbrush and using a softer toothpaste can help reduce the risk of gum irritation and tooth sensitivity. - Using soft toothbrush bristles - Hard bristled toothbrushes can damage sensitive teeth. If you have sensitive teeth, you should use a soft bristle toothbrush, or better yet, an electric toothbrush. - Getting regular dental cleanings - A dental cleaning and examination are the best way to catch and treat soft teeth syndrome.



Soft teeth syndrome is a common dental issue that happens when the enamel on your teeth is worn away. There are many ways to treat soft teeth syndrome, including brushing and flossing daily, using mouthwashes, and switching to softer dental products. You can prevent soft teeth syndrome by increasing your water intake, eating healthy snacks, visiting the dentist regularly, and getting a fluoride treatment.