Spinal Implants: What is It and their Types?
A spinal implant is recommended when the spine suffers an injury that cannot be treated easily. The doctors suggest consulting a Spinal implants manufacturer when the spinal implant is the only option.

Our spine supports our body and helps us conduct everyday tasks. However, sometimes the very same spine suffers from some injury or ailment. The pain that arises is difficult to tolerate. In such a situation, the doctors suggest opting for a spinal implant. If you are suffering from a similar problem, here is everything you should know about Spinal Implants. 

What are spinal implants?

A spinal implant is recommended when the spine suffers an injury that cannot be treated easily. The doctors suggest consulting a Spinal implants manufacturer when the spinal implant is the only option. A spinal implant helps in:

  • Fusion of two vertebrae
  • Improving the spine’s balance and stability
  • Giving strength to the spine
  • Correction of deformities like scoliosis
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Handling problems like spondylitis

Types of spinal implants 

Spinal implants are divided into two categories, i.e., Fusion and non-fusion. Fusion implants can be of three types:

Cages- These are like a space holder between the two vertebrae. They offer stability to the spine once the surgery is conducted and do not need any screws.

Plates- On the other hand, plates are attached to the spine with screws. They are quite flexible and give the spine the option to bend. This procedure involves using an instrument like a plate to help the bones grow back.

Rods- The Rods are connected to the spine with hooks or pedicle screws. 

Non- Fusion implants include Artificial Discs and Expandable rods

Artificial Discs- This is a medical device that is implanted into the spine. It actually starts behaving as a normal disc. Surgeons usually remove the entire disc or a part of it. This artificial disc gives the same level of motion as before the surgery.

Expandable rods- These rods are used to straighten the spine. This is done without fusing the vertebrae. 

Types of surgeries that use Spinal implants 

The types of surgeries where spine implants are used are:

  • Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion
  • Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion
  • Axial Lumbar Interbody Fusion
  • Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion

Summing Up

Spinal injuries can be excruciating to deal with. However, with spinal implants, it is easy to overcome such issues. Capsur Enterprises offers all kinds of spinal implants needed to fix your spine back. All the implants are durable and guaranteed to last you for long. These implants are exported worldwide to hospitals and health centers. Their precision-based implants are sure to get you back on your feet and enjoying a life of normalcy.