Father’s Day Story : Personalities of different kinds of Dads
Father's Day is observed all around the world to honor dads' contributions and hard work in ensuring the well-being of their children.

Father’s Day Story : Personalities of different kinds of Dads

Father's Day is observed all around the world to honor dads' contributions and hard work in ensuring the well-being of their children. Father's Day honors male parenting, paternal relationships, and fatherhood. Although it is celebrated on various dates around the world, many countries as well as India observe it on the third Sunday in June.

Father's Day serves as a reminder of both the importance and the trials of fatherhood. Fathers don't always get the same sense of closeness and admiration as we have for our moms. Fathers do have the societal image of being the breadwinner, the disciplinarian, and the authority figure. Our culture has traditionally placed fathers in a tough position. They must be distant but close, work hard but be there, and be compassionate but strict.