Outdoor Permeable Pavers
The permeable pavers are made to allow water to permeate through their surfaces, get trapped in the rock base, and then absorb into the earth below.

Permeable Pavers


The permeable pavers are made to allow water to permeate through their surfaces, get trapped in the rock base, and then absorb into the earth below. They have open cells filled with gravel or grass. Stormwater will accumulate in paving systems with hardscape surfaces (concrete, asphalt, or compacted gravel), where it will pool or run off. Instead, porous permeable pavers closely resemble and replicate how the ground responds to rainwater. The particular sort of permeable pavement system employed determines the speed at which the water drains into the surface. Runoff is decreased, flooding hazards are reduced, and stormwater management is aided by permeable pavements. The main sources of stormwater runoff are conventional concrete, asphalt, and gravel-only pavement.