4 Important Reasons to See a Cardiologist
These depressing numbers highlight the significance of receiving routine cardiac care.

You undoubtedly arrange time in your hectic schedule to visit medical specialists for various conditions, from cleaning your teeth to managing allergies. Regular trips to the cardiologist should be at the top of most people's lists for healthcare, given that about half of adult Americans have some cardiovascular disease.


Farhad Adult, MD, FACC, and the rest of the highly skilled staff at Louisiana Heart and Vascular want to highlight four reasons you should make seeing a cardiologist a priority in your healthcare routine to give you an understanding of the significance of routine cardiology treatment.


Cardiovascular disease is very prevalent.


Frightening data about cardiovascular health are difficult to avoid. As we've already mentioned, cardiovascular illness affects roughly half of Americans. Even more frightful is the fact that cardiovascular disease claims one life every 36 seconds in the United States, making it the top cause of mortality for both men and women.


These depressing numbers highlight the significance of receiving routine cardiac care.


Many cardiovascular fatalities can be avoided.


The numbers that interest us as cardiologists are those released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, even though the statistics we mentioned above are undoubtedly eye-opening:


  • Every year, stopping at least 200,000 deaths from heart disease and stroke would be possible.
  • People under 65 years old account for six out of ten heart disease or stroke deaths.
  • Black people have a two times higher risk of dying from heart disease and stroke than white people do.

As healthcare professionals, these figures cause significant anxiety, and we want to do our part to lower them. No matter your age, gender, or race, you can help by visiting us for preventative care that might save your life.