You must know Facts About Breast Implants
5 surprising facts about breast implants that you must know before getting this procedure done.

Breast Implant Facts

1. Breast Implants are Safe

There have been numerous types of research that prove that both silicone and saline implants are safe. Silicone breast implants give a feel of natural breast tissue.


2. You Can Breastfeed With Implants

Having breast implants doesn’t take away your ability to breastfeed. Women may or may not be able to successfully breastfeed depending on many factors, but there’s no evidence that breastfeeding is unsafe for you or your baby.


3. No Side Effects of Getting Breast Implants

Once the treatment is done, the patient might feel a little bit of discomfort and temporary pain. This quickly resolves on its own with time.


4. No Cancer

Patients fear that getting a breast implant may lead to cancer and or problems that may arise during breastfeeding or some kind of pain. These are just myths and have no basis in reality.


5. Lack of Scientific Proof In Regards to Permanent Problems and Short Life of Surgery

Patients opt for breast implants for several reasons which include altering the size and shape of the breast. Permanent problems are caused when plastic surgeons are inexperienced or not qualified enough to deliver proper results.

 These are important Facts about breast implants