Why Holistic Health is Important?
It greatly depends on how we as humans view and live our lives; it’s about our ongoing journey, which can positively or negatively impact our health

Understanding the differences and advantages between conventional and alternative health practices is crucial because their combination can help us maintain good health, lead fulfilling lives, and care for our bodies, mind, and soul. The conventional approach, often known as Western medicine, is a standardised system in which healthcare professionals use science-based techniques and procedures (typically including pharmaceutical medication, treatments, and surgeries) to provide patients with top-notch care. The term "wellness" refers to a different approach (holistic health) that considers the whole person (physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being). It greatly depends on how we as humans view and live our lives; it's about our ongoing journey, which can positively or negatively impact our health.


According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), conventional and alternative wellness strategies are becoming more prevalent in healthcare. They can provide a more comprehensive, integrated, and individualised approach to patient care. This is referred to as whole-person care.


Studies have shown that physical and social pain have many similarities, even though it can take many forms and result in multiple experiences. People more sensitive to physical pain are also more susceptible to social pain. For example, interpersonal interactions like rejection or social exclusion can cause physical suffering.


The holistic approach


Physical Health: Yoga can aid in alignment and flexibility for the body and mind in addition to other physical activities like running or lifting weights. We might feel less tense and more grounded and centred by restoring our bodies and thoughts. Breath practice is crucial because it may quiet the mind and heart and remind us to stay present and connected to our surroundings.


Mental health: Our thoughts, feelings, and actions matter and can affect how we behave, act, and interact with others. The goal of the holistic method is to teach the mind to continually think positively, even when faced with difficulty or distress. In reality, studies in positive psychology have shown that cultivating a positive outlook, being grateful, and showing compassion can boost happiness.