What is FibroScan? and How Can It Help to diagnose liver diseases?- Kaizen Gastro Care
Dr. Vikrant Kale at Kaizen Gastro Care is a specialist in liver diseases and performs Fibroscan tests as part of his practice. If you have been diagnosed with a liver disease, or have risk factors for liver disease, it is recommended that you consult with Dr. Kale to determine whether a Fibroscan test is appropriate for your case.

What is FibroScan? and How Can It Help to diagnose liver diseases?- Kaizen Gastro Care

What is FibroScan? and How Can It Help to diagnose liver diseases?

What Is Fibroscan?

Fibroscan is a non-invasive medical technique utilized to evaluate the scope of liver damage in individuals with chronic liver disease. The test is based on quick elastography, which calculates the speed of a vibration wave as it travels via the liver tissue. Fibroscan Test is widely used as an alternative to liver biopsy, which is a more invasive and painful procedure. The test works by measuring the stiffness of the liver, which can indicate the amount of scarring or fibrosis that has occurred.

Who needs a Fibroscan?

Fibroscan is recommended for individuals with chronic liver disease, including:

  1. Hepatitis B or C infection
  2. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
  3. Alcoholic liver disease
  4. Autoimmune liver disease

In addition, the Fibroscan test can be used as a screening tool for liver disease, particularly in populations with a high prevalence of liver disease, such as individuals with a history of intravenous drug use or those from regions where hepatitis B or C is endemic. Dr. Vikrant Kale at Kaizen Gastro Care is a specialist in liver diseases and performs Fibroscan tests as part of his practice. If you have been diagnosed with a liver disease, or have risk factors for liver disease, it is recommended that you consult with Dr. Kale to determine whether a Fibroscan test is appropriate for your case.

How is the test performed?

During the test, you will be asked to lie on your back with your right arm raised behind your head. A special probe will be placed on your skin over your liver, which will send a vibration wave through the liver tissue. The vibration wave is measured by an ultrasound-like machine, which can calculate the stiffness of the liver. The entire process takes about 10 to 15 minutes and is painless.

What does the result indicate?

The fibroscan outcome is represented in kilopascals (kPa), which is a measure of liver immobility. The higher the kPa value, the more fibrotic or damaged the liver is. The result can be interpreted as follows:

  • Less than 7.0 kPa: No or minimal fibrosis
  • 7.0-9.5 kPa: Mild to moderate fibrosis
  • 9.5-12.5 kPa: Significant fibrosis
  • More than 12.5 kPa: Severe fibrosis or cirrhosis

What are the benefits of Fibroscan?

Fibroscan has several benefits over liver biopsy, including:

  • Non-invasive: Fibroscan is a non-invasive procedure that does not require any needles or incisions.
  • Painless: The test is painless and does not cause any discomfort or bleeding.
  • Quick: The test takes only 10 to 15 minutes to complete.
  • Accurate: Fibroscan is a reliable tool for assessing liver fibrosis and can detect even mild fibrosis that may be missed by liver biopsy.

Top Asked Questions:

No, the Fibroscan test is non-invasive and painless. It is similar to having an ultrasound.


Fibroscan is a non-invasive and painless procedure used to assess the extent of liver deterioration in individuals with chronic liver disease. It is a reliable tool for assessing liver fibrosis and can notice even mild fibrosis that may be missed by liver biopsy. If you have chronic liver disease, contact Kaizen Gastro Care