Top 4 Hair Restoration Technologies
Hair transplants started at least two hundred years ago. However, the technologies used in it have seen a drastic change until recently. As medical science is developing constantly, the techniques used in hair restoration treatments are changing with that. So, the technologies used in the 1950s are quite different from the ones used nowadays. The top plastic surgeons in Kolkata can use these technologies efficiently. That said, here are the top four hair restoration technologies to check out.

Hair transplants started at least two hundred years ago. However, the technologies used in it have seen a drastic change until recently. As medical science is developing constantly, the techniques used in hair restoration treatments are changing with that. So, the technologies used in the 1950s are quite different from the ones used nowadays. The top plastic surgeons in Kolkata can use these technologies efficiently. That said, here are the top four hair restoration technologies to check out.

Origin of Hair Transplantation

Interestingly, hair transplants started in the 19th Century. Dieffenbach, a Ph.D. student in Germany first conducted some trial hair transplant sessions. These scalp-to-body and bird feather hair transplant sessions were just an experiment. To get quality hair transplant treatments, visit the top Hair Transplant Clinic in Kolkata today!

Dr. Hodara’s Experiment

After that in 1897 Dr. Hodara, an Ottoman Dermatologist performed a certain transplant on someone. The patient had a ringworm-based hair loss issue. Within three to four months, new hairs grew in the transplanted area. Also, it became quite strong and colored.

Popular hair restoration techniques

Here is a list of the top four hair restoration techniques.

Bio-Enhanced Hair Restoration

This hair transplant technique is relatively less known. Although, it is one of the latest hair restoration methods. Firstly, it was introduced in an ISHRS publication in 2014. Also, it notably impacted the outcomes of the operation. As a result, this treatment soon became popular.

How does it work?

During this hair transplantation process, hair cells wait for four to five days before attaching to the blood supply again within the transplanted area. Even if the operation is done successfully, 10-15% of the hair follicles will die. Besides, the cells get nutrients for growth and recovery in this procedure. Plus, they are not exposed to external pressure as well.

Artas Robotic Hair Transplants

Humans may make some mistakes while performing hair transplantation treatments. However, robots won’t do that. The importance of robotic hair restoration treatments lies here. These robots can perform the same treatment innumerable times without feeling tired.


The Artas Hair Transplant Robot was first introduced in 2007. Subsequently, it got FDA approval in 2011. With time, this robot became easily available for many hair restoration clinics.


The Artas Robot can assist with the graft transplant plan and pattern. Conversely, it cannot perform the graft implantation procedure. However, its high-end algorithm allows it to harvest the graft perfectly. Meanwhile, it causes minimal damage to the donor area. Some of the major disadvantages of this hair restoration treatment are:

  • Need for substantial assistance
  • High cost
  • Inability to tackle complicated cases and
  • Lack of judgment

So, think about these demerits before you choose the Artas Hair Transplant Robot. Alternatively, you can get your hair transplanted by the best plastic surgeon in Kolkata.


In 1999, the DHI Medical Group invented the DHI implanter, an effective hair restoration tool. With this tool, implantation and incision can be performed effortlessly. Besides, the DHI implanter is an amazing substitute for steel and sapphire forceps and tips. These plus points let the surgeon take complete control of the graft’s direction, depth, and angle.


Nowadays, more people are choosing the DHI treatment over FUE. Still, this treatment option has some disadvantages. For example, the maximum number of hair follicles in DHI is less than in FUE. A surgeon can implant up to 3500 grafts within 8-10 hours.


Again, DHI has to offer a lot of benefits to its patients. These include:

  • Quicker recovery
  • Less bleeding
  • Effective control of the grafts’ direction, depth, and angle
  • Effective protection of the existing hair during the transplantation procedure

To get all these benefits, go for the DHI treatment immediately. The best Hair Transplant Clinic in Kolkata can provide this therapy at affordable costs.

Sapphire FUE

Earlier, surgeons had to make incisions using steel blades. As a result, the incisions couldn’t be smaller after a certain point. Thanks to the invention of sapphire blades that have made smaller incisions possible. These blades are pretty durable, smooth, and sharp.


There are many advantages of using these smaller and more accurate micro incisions. Some of these benefits include the following:

  • Increased rate of success
  • Quicker recovery time
  • Less bleeding, pain, swelling, and pain and
  • More naturalistic and precise results

The more advanced and accurate these blades are getting the better results are seen for hair transplantation. That’s why, in modern-day Sapphire FUE surgeries, five thousand follicles can be transplanted within 8 to 10 hours.

It’s a win-win situation!

Each of the hair restoration techniques above has its set of advantages and disadvantages. Labeling any treatment option as the best is that’s why not feasible. Hopefully, after reading today’s guide you have understood how technology has transformed the area of hair transplants. Do you want good-quality hair transplant treatment as well? Then, visit Kaayakalp today, the best Hair Transplant Clinic in Kolkata.