How to Increase Platelet Count? It’s Easy If You Do It Smart
More than just a how to increase platelet count, discover how you can increase the number of platelets in your blood to prevent or treat.

How to Increase Platelet Count? It’s Easy If You Do It Smart

We all have the desire to stay healthy, especially busy people. The problem is that we never have enough time to do everything we want to.

Platelet count is essential for healthy bone marrow function; it controls how well red blood cells (1) can function in their activity to carry oxygen around the body.

High platelet counts mean that enough platelets are circulating to rapidly clot blood. Low platelet counts indicate that there are too few platelets present for proper clotting.

Increasing platelet naturally is one of the most common goals that patients have. There are many home remedies for how to increase platelet count, which we will be discussing here.

If you are pondering about what do platelets do then platelets are red blood cells that assist the human body in promoting procedures like clotting. Clotting is an essential function of the human body that helps in preventing any serious bleeding. 

However, it should be known that certain diseases such as anemia, cancer, and autoimmune disorders, can make the platelet count in the human body fall. Hence, in times like these, you have to look out for ways to increase plateletcount.

Traditionally, a healthy human body should have a 1.5 lac to 4 lac platelet count per microliter of blood. If the number falls below 1.5 lakh, then the situation is called thrombocytopenia.

Alternatively, if the number increases over 4 lakh, then the situation is called thrombocytosis.

Additionally, it should be known that the aforementioned normal platelet count by age 25-60 years falls by almost 8 percent once the person becomes 60+ years.

Low platelet medical term count is a condition in which your body does not make enough platelets. Platelets are small blood cells that help clot blood as well as stop bleeding. (2)

We all know that a low platelet count is bad, but it's not always clear what causes low platelet.

The causes of low platelet count can be numerous, but here are a few of the most common ones.

1. High blood pressure:

High blood pressure can lead to decreased production of platelets in the bone marrow and it can increase the risk for cardiovascular diseases.

2. Thyroid disorders:

The thyroid gland regulates your body's production of hormones, including thyroxin; this is involved in the production of hemoglobin and other proteins needed by our bodies to produce red blood cells.

If your thyroid function decreases, you may have low platelet counts.

3. Infections:

Infections can cause anemia (low oxygen levels in the blood) by increasing your immune system's response to infection-related stimuli that cause cell damage or death.

4. Autoimmune disorders:

Autoimmune disorders a very rare ITP disorder can also cause you to suffer from low platelets. Platelets are destroyed in this by antibodies.

5. Hemophilia:

People with hemophilia may bleed more easily than normal and they face more broken bones in their lifetime.

6. Deficiency of Vitamin K:

Vitamin K deficiency is highly related to bleeding so obviously, a low platelet count is seen. Try natural remedies for low platelet count surely.

7. Diseases such as leukemia or lymphoma:

Such diseases affect the immune system, which can make it impossible for the body to make enough platelets or prevent them from functioning normally.

8. Drugs or Steroids:

These drugs can also cause low platelet counts.

To increase platelet count in your body by a substantial margin, simply follow the below-mentioned procedures,

1. Consume more green leafy vegetables:

In case you’re wondering how to raise platelet count, then consuming green leafy vegetables such as collards and kale can prove to be nutritious since they contain high amounts of Vitamin K.

Vitamin K helps in the process of blood clotting (3) in the human body. This is because Vitamin K assists your body to produce all the important proteins that lead to the blood clotting procedure. 

Since the clotting procedure is complex and not only involves the platelets but other biological elements, an adequate amount of Vitamin K can enhance the human body's capability to stop bleeding.

2. Healthiest fatty fish:

There’s no better way to increase blood platelets than by consuming fish, especially the ones which contain the highest amount of fat since they are also a source of Vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 acts as a major ingredient in the formation of red blood cells and recent reports suggest that there is a correlation between low platelet count and Vitamin B12 deficiency.

Fishes such as trout, salmon, and tuna contain high amounts of Vitamin B12. So, make sure to add more of these fatty fish to your daily diet, so that you can deal with the low platelet counttreatment. You can also opt for Vitamin B12 supplements if you're strictly a vegetarian.

3. Folate helps with platelet:

Folic acid or folate is otherwise known as Vitamin B9. It should be known that Vitamin B9 can also help in platelet count low treatment. Doctors suggest that it's better to obtain foliate through food than opting for supplements, except in the case of pregnant women.

However, do note that high amounts of folate can disrupt the functioning of Vitamin B12 in the human body. Hence, your consumption of folate should be within acceptable limits.

Folate consumption for the increase of platelets can be enhanced by consuming Brussels sprouts, broccoli, beans, and liver.

All of the aforementioned foods can help in increasing your current platelet count in the body.

4. Effects of alcohol:

If you’re looking for ways for platelet increase in your body, then you have to avoid any consumption of alcohol. Whether you’re consuming wine, beer, or spirits they all disrupt the production of red blood cells in the human body. 

Furthermore, they also damage the bone marrow. Any damage to the bone marrow lowers the production of all types of red cells, which also include platelets.

So, if you're experiencing low blood platelets, then lowering your alcohol consumption should be your first aim.

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5. Consume a list of citrus fruits:

In case you're unaware then you must learn that Vitamin C plays a major role in how the platelets work in your body. Hence, if you can increase your Vitamin C intake, then you can make your existing platelets function in a better manner.

It should be known that Vitamin C can help your body to absorb iron more, which is extremely crucial in the production of red blood cells. Thus, you'll indirectly help your body to increase platelet count.

If you want to increase your Vitamin C intake, then you need to add fresh lemons, oranges, and grapefruit to your everyday diet. Furthermore, you can also consume fruits such as oranges, strawberries, and blackcurrants for making your platelet count high.

6. Intake iron-rich foods:

As you’re adding citrus fruits to increase your Vitamin C consumption, you should also consider adding iron to your diet as well, so that you can continue your platelet count increase treatment.

It’s recommended that you avoid intaking iron supplements because they can cause constipation. Instead, you have to opt for foods such as liver, beef, kidney beans, tofu, and oysters.

Iron will play a major role in the production of red blood cells in your human body, including platelets. By following such home remedies for low platelet count, you will be able to raise your body’s platelet count naturally. Additionally, you can also consume dark chocolate since it’s also a good source of iron.

7. Milk benefits:

When it comes to low platelet count home remedies, milk should be your first preference. This is because milk is a great source of proteins and calcium (4) both of which are necessary for properly maintaining the strength of your body's muscles and bones.

The good news is that milk also contains Vitamin K which helps in the process of blood clotting in the human body.

Additionally, it is believed that regular consumption of milk can also act as one of the best platelet count high home remedies.

However, do remember that if you are lactose intolerant, then you may need to talk to your doctor before consuming milk every day since your body's digestion can be affected.

Suggestions if any: 

8. Vitamin B-12 low platelets remedy:

For the formation of blood cells especially red blood cells, Vitamin B12 is essential. Vitamin B12 deficiency also suggests low platelets, (5) and a daily 2.5mg intake is necessary.

Vitamin B12-rich foods:

9. Papaya leaf extract for platelets:

For low platelet medication, papaya leaf is the most usable remedy which many of us know. The only method you need to do is to take a glass or two of this papaya leaf extract daily.

Suggestions if any: 

10. Increase platelet count with wheatgrass Juice:

Due to its high chlorophyll capacity, wheatgrass's beneficial structure is similar to hemoglobin in the blood. It is very beneficial in boosting the remedy for low platelet count, by the same benefits; it helps increase red blood cells as well as white blood cells. Consumption of wheatgrass juice during chemotherapy proves to be helpful.

Suggestions if any: 

Homeopathic medicines are once you should consult your doctor but here is a list below which can be beneficial for you with low platelets.

Before you decide to learn about the ways to increase platelet count, it’s crucial to first about the symptoms of low platelet count:

People with low platelet count cancer symptoms may have anemia, which means they have fewer red blood cells than normal.

Anemia can cause fatigue, lightheadedness, dizziness, and shortness of breath. In addition, it can lead to abnormal bleeding that is not related to the cause of the anemia or even when there is no bleeding at all.

Another symptom of low platelet cancer is bleeding gums and nosebleeds that happen after a dental procedure.

To reduce your risk of experiencing these problems,

Dengue fever causes a drop in white blood cells and a concomitant drop in platelet count.

A count of 1.5 to 4 lakh is considered a normal platelet count. In dengue patients, that platelet count comes down to 20,000 to 40,000.

Low platelet levels are a common issue that can affect anyone, but it is especially common in people who have been on steroids for a long time.

If you have low platelet levels then your doctor may recommend a platelet transfusion to help your blood clot more quickly, and effectively.

There are many foods that are best for low platelet treatment, but the most important thing to remember is that eating whole, unprocessed foods are always better than processed foods.

Here are some examples of whole unprocessed foods,

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Some dogs experience a low platelet count, but this is a relatively rare condition. Treating low platelet count in dogs is often prescribed medication to increase their platelets.

There are many low platelets symptoms in dogs including,

1. Do low platelets make you tired?

Ans: Yes, Low platelets can make you tired. Platelets are important for keeping your blood flowing and helping you to heal from injuries. Follow the low platelet count remedies as well.

2. Can stress cause low platelets?

Ans: Stress can cause low platelets, but it is not the kind of stress that we think always.

When we talk about stress causing low platelets, then mostly we talk about how our body responds to the increased workload we put on, the more you put it through, the lower its platelets are.

The reason for this is that when you are under a lot of stress, your body makes more white blood cells to fight off infection.

White blood cells release chemicals called cytokines when they fight off infections.

Cytokines can cause platelets to become less sticky, which means they don't stick to each other as well and are more likely to fall off from the blood into other parts of the body where they can be damaged.

So stress can make people with low platelets feel dizzy and weak when their blood coagulation system is not working correctly.

3. Does a Low platelet count a sign of cancer?

Ans: If that is to say, normal platelets are the most important and if low platelets then in a way we can call it a common side effect of cancer. Low platelets can sometimes be a problem occurred during chemotherapy. You should not avoid the signs of a low platelet count.

4. What deficiency causes low platelets?

Ans: The most common deficiency that causes low platelets is vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 helps the body produce red blood cells and maintains healthy nervous system function. (7) Low levels of vitamin B12 can result in anemia, which is when you are missing more hemoglobin than normal.

Hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to your tissues and helps them get rid of carbon dioxide.

5. What foods boost platelet count?

Ans: There are many foods like that but still which we can use regularly to boost platelet are,

6. What causes platelet count to be high?

Ans: A high platelet count may be caused by several different things,

1) Anemia:

Anemia can cause the platelet count to be higher than normal because it decreases red blood cells.

2) Infection:

A high platelet count can be caused by an infection in the body such as sepsis or meningitis. This is usually temporary and resolves when the infection does.

3) High levels of stress:

High levels of stress can also lead to a higher than normal platelet count because it causes your body to produce more stress hormones like cortisol, which increase blood clotting.

7. What infections cause low platelets?

Ans: Low platelet levels can be caused by different infections.

For infections that cause low platelets, we can say that,

8. What level of platelets is dangerous?

Ans: There are two levels at which platelets may be dangerous,

9. Can low platelet count be temporary?

Ans: Yes, a low platelet count is temporary.

You can get a blood test, and your doctor will be able to tell you whether or not the low platelet count is temporary.

If it's not temporary, then you may need to take some time off from lifting weights and doing exercise. You will also want to make sure that you eat a lot of healthy foods so that your body has all the nutrients it needs.

It is important for everyone to eat enough fruit and vegetables every day, but if you have low platelets then it may be even more important for you.

10. Is low platelet count serious?

Ans: Low platelet count is a condition in which there are fewer than 100,000 platelets per microliter of blood. In addition to being abnormal, low platelet counts can be dangerous if left untreated.

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When a person has a low platelet count, they are at risk of developing low platelet complications. Some of the more common complications of low platelet count,

A few proven home remedies to naturally increase platelet counts. These remedies have helped thousands of people suffering from low platelet count. Try these remedies and see the difference it makes in your platelet count.

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