Exercises You Can Do At Home To Lose Belly Fat
Being healthy is always a noble endeavor. A fantastic choice with both physical and emotional advantages is making an effort to get active and lose weight. The risk and the amount of work necessary are higher when it comes to visceral fat, which is belly fat that has gathered around the abdomen.

1.Laying Leg Raise

  • Lie on a mat with your palms flat on the floor and your thumbs placed under your hips.

  • Lift your feet a little off the floor, fix your gaze on the ceiling, and tighten your abdominal muscles. This is where everything begin.

  • Raise both of your legs to a 90-degree angle and then slowly lower them back down.

  • Raise your legs once more before you touch the ground. Perform three 15-rep sets.

*Avoid entirely putting your feet on the ground or lifting your legs by pulling your hips up with your hands.


2. Swirl kicks


  • Sit back down and relax. Keep your hands on your buttocks and your legs close together.

  • Your right leg should be raised slightly above hip level. Lift the left leg at the same time, letting it dangle a few inches above the ground. Keep the ground under your back.

  • Remain in this position for 5 seconds before shifting your legs and kicking with a flutter.

*You can make this exercise more difficult by lifting your head and neck off the ground.



3. Crunches


  • Lay on a mat and relax. Put your feet level on the ground while bending your knees.

  • Place a thumb behind each ear. Use the remaining fingers to support the back of your head. Get your head up now from the floor. This is where everything begin.

  • Try to contact your head with your knees as you curl up.

  • Then go back to where you were.

  • Inhale as you curl up, and exhale as you squat down. complete the two 12-rep sets.


4. Climbers in mountains


  • Put your hands beneath your shoulders in a high plank stance and extend your legs behind you.

  • Engage your core muscles and tuck your tailbone in. Your body should remain straight.

  • Draw one knee toward your chest while bending it, then straighten it behind you before switching sides.

  • Repeat 15 times, take a brief break, and then repeat.


5. Russian Twists


  • Sit on the floor with your feet raised slightly off the ground.

  • Lean back and strike the boat posture. Keep your back straight and visualize forming a V with your body, legs, and feet.

  • Reach out in front of you and join your fingers together.

  • To turn your body to the right and then back to the center, use your abdominal muscles. Replicate now on the left side. 10 reps on each side for 20 total.

We also advise adding Tribaslim to your fitness regimen.


Tribaslim is an ayurvedic treatment that speeds up metabolism and promotes weight loss. Its potent and uncommon ayurveda ingredients, including Red Aloe Vera, one of the rarest ayurvedic herbs, and the naturally occurring fat-burner Green Coffee Beans are what make it such a special mixture. Tribaslim employs Red Aloe Vera in its purest form, which is unique to the Satpura Jungles.


Tribaslim's ability to burn fat can be attributed to the inclusion of Red Aloe Vera and Green Coffee Beans, which encourage your body to turn fat stores into energy more quickly.


This comes with Tribal Slimming Oil, which treats cellulite deposits externally, making it a comprehensive fat loss solution.