Common signs and symptoms of Atrial Fibrillation
Atrial Fibrillation is a common cardiac ailment that arises when the heartbeats are irregular. In most situations, it is accompanied by fast and uneven heartbeats. Usually, it is not a fatal problem.

Atrial Fibrillation is a common cardiac ailment that arises when the heartbeats are irregular. In most situations, it is accompanied by fast and uneven heartbeats. Usually, it is not a fatal problem. However, if not treated on time, Atrial Fibrillation could cause a stroke. To combat the same, you can keep these signs and symptoms in mind and approach a cardiologist for help.


Light-headedness or Dizziness could be one frequent symptom of this problem. The heart beats unusually, which means the blood flow to it is irregular. Signs like this could be scary, and you can find a TAVI expert in India to guide you. Until then, whenever you feel dizzy, just lie or sit down for relief.

Feeling of weakness

Due to Atrial Fibrillation, your heart may beat faster than usual. This reduces the Oxygen received by the other body parts. As your body does not get sufficient nutrients, the energy levels dip. This creates a feeling of weakness. However, this symptom could arise from any condition, and it is wise to consult a doctor.

Shortness of breath

Sometimes Afib may also cause you to have difficulties in breathing. This happens when the heart starts working in a different manner. The intensity of the breathing issues could vary per the severity of the condition. Ignoring this symptom could be dangerous. Shortness of breath reduces the oxygen delivered to other body parts, and some of them might start malfunctioning because of that.


Fatigue is a common symptom of many ailments. Hence it is tough to associate it with a heart issue. Atrial Fibrillation could make your heart work very hard, which could lead to exhaustion. If fatigue is because of this problem, even resting would not solve it.

Blood clots

If, after a check-up, your health provider notices blood clots, AFib could be a cause. Blood fills the atria or upper chambers of the heart. This can lead to clotting, and leaving it untreated could be dangerous. The blood clots may move to the brain and limit the blood flow. However, if detected in time, the situation may not become very serious.

Chest pain

Severe cases of Afib can further cause chest pain, the intensity of which could differ. It may be occasional and could heal after a few bursts. Or the pain may persist, causing discomfort to the patient. Whatever the severity and frequency, you must seek a TAVI expert in India. Even a slight pain may signify a worsening heart condition. Visit the healthcare provider as soon as you notice any such symptoms.

Summing Up

The heart is a valuable asset to our body. However, it can also face situations and conditions like Atrial Fibrillation. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, you must contact Dr. Raghu. With his vast experience, Dr. Raghu handles cases of cardiac complications with ease. His treatment would identify the exact issue your heart is experiencing. With the correct medication and counseling, he has helped many people overcome their heart woes with minimal complications.