Are there any side effects that come with taking sildenafil citrate?
Sildenafil oral tablet is accessible as the brand-name medications Viagra and Revatio. It’s also available as general medicine. General prescriptions for the most part bring lower than the brand-name rendition.

Are there any side effects that come with taking sildenafil citrate?

What is sildenafil?

Sildenafil is a prescription medicine. Both are taken by mouth. It likewise arrives in an intravenous (IV) structure, which is just given by a specialist.

Sildenafil citrate oral tablet is accessible as the brand-name medications Viagra and Revatio. It’s also available as a generic medicine. General prescriptions for the most part bring lower than the brand-name rendition. 


Why it is used

General oral tablets are available for both conditions, but the brand-name medicines each treat only one of the conditions.

• Viagra This medicine is used to treat ED. With ED, you’re unsuitable to get or keep an erection.

• Revatio This medication is utilized to treat PAH. With PAH, the circulatory strain in your lungs is unreasonably high. Your heart needs to attempt to siphon blood into your lungs.


How it works

Sildenafil belongs to a class of medicines called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. A class of medicines is a group of medications that work in an analogous way. These drugs are as often as possible used to treat undifferentiated conditions.

Sildenafil works in different ways, dependent upon the condition it's being used to treat.

• For ED Sildenafil works by adding bloodstream to the penis. This helps you get or keep an erection. Sildenafil possibly works for ED if you’re physically excited.

• For PAH Sildenafil works by relaxing the muscles and opening up the veins in your lungs. This decreases the circulatory strain in your lungs. It also makes you more suitable to exercise.

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How sildenafil is used

How long before sex should I use sildenafil?

Sildenafil can be utilized as soon as 4 hours before sex and as late as 30 minutes before sex. Still, it's recommended to use this medicine within an hour before sex.


How frequently should I take sildenafil?

Sildenafil shouldn't be taken for ED more than previously in a 24-hour time span. In any case, assuming you have specific ailments or are taking different medications, your doctor might suggest that you take this medication less much of the time than previously a day.


Should I take sildenafil with food?

It's critical to take note that specific food sources, especially food sources high in fat, can conceive the medication to work more drowsily than typical.

Sildenafil side effects

Sildenafil oral tablet doesn’t beget drowsiness, but it can beget other side effects, including. 

• Nosebleeds

• Headaches

• Worried stomach

• Flushing (shining and warming of the face)

• Trouble sleeping

• Fever

• An erection that endures longer than typical

• Respiratory infection

• Nausea

• Puking

• Bronchitis

• Sore throat

• Watery nose

Still, they may go down within many days or a couple of weeks, If these effects are mild. However, talk with your doctor or pharmacist, If they’re more severe or don’t go down.


Serious side goods

Genuine incidental effects and their indications can incorporate the accompanying

• Low blood pressure. Symptoms can include

o Vague vision

o Confusion

o Dizziness

o Conking

o Lightheadedness

o Nausea or puking

o Sleepiness

o Weakness

• Expanded windedness or inconvenience relaxing

• Priapism (an erection that endures farther than 4 hours)

• Vision problems. Symptoms can include

o Unexpected vision misfortune in one of the two eyes

• Hearing problems. Symptoms can include

o Unforeseen hearing loss

o Tinnitus (ringing in your ears)

o Dizziness

• Heart issues, comparative as a cardiovascular failure, stroke, or sporadic pulse. Symptoms can include

o Chest pain

o Shortness of breath

o Dizziness

o Trouble speaking

o Confusion

o Nausea or puking

o Feeling lightheaded


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