Telehealth has brought a revolution in the field of healthcare. It has expanded the scope of medical care with the help of information and communication technology. Telehealth-based pain management reduces exposure to infectious diseases by contact-free infection. The pain management specialists in Chesapeake, Newport News and sports doctor in Virginia Beach are familiar with telehealth while helping many, especially in situations like COVID-19.

The outbreak of coronavirus was seen as inevitable globally but fortunately, telehealth seemed to be an effective option to fight, prevent, diagnose, treat and control diseases, especially COVID-19.

The scope of pain management widened with the coming of telehealth services. Telehealth refers to the delivery of health-related information via electronic communication.

The global lockdown and dwindling supply of medications caused trouble for doctors in reaching out to the patients but thanks to telehealth! Telehealth-based pain management in the 21st century is patient-centered. It is the information and communication technology that gives impetus to telehealth-based pain management.

Can pain be cured through telehealth?

The easiest way to explain pain is as a sense; similar to smell, touch, or sight. Our perception of pain aids us in understanding and navigating the environment, allowing us to respond to both prospective and actual hazards.

Pain comprises acute and chronic. However, acute pain is provoked by a specific disease or injury while chronic pain is considered a disease state which lasts for a longer period.

The Pain Management Specialists in Chesapeake and Newport News are renowned for treating both acute and chronic pain with their specialized knowledge and expert team.

Let us explore the nitty-gritty of telehealth-based pain management.

Advantages of telehealth-based pain management.

With the help of contemporary telehealth, pain management specialists can observe patients, obtain their medical histories, compile treatment records, provide education, track requests for opioids, and write prescriptions. They can also carry out behavioral therapies like stress management, mindset modification, and exercise.

When people are quarantined, telehealth may become a necessity for the general public, healthcare professionals, and COVID-19 patients, allowing patients to consult a clinician about their health issues in real-time. Thus, real-time connectivity is a crucial component of telehealth.

Telehealth minimizes the risk of direct transmission of the infectious agent from person to person while reducing the usage of resources in health centers and improving access to care.Telehealth also provides new streams of revenue to physicians and hospitals. Assist physicians to serve more patients and diagnosis.

The prominence of telehealth has increased in the past few years and COVID-19 is definitely the game changer. Telehealth is the future of healthcare as it reduces exposure to infectious diseases by contact-free infection. It makes life easier for patients who live in remote areas and promotes personalized treatment. Telehealth-based pain management is also a convenient and affordable option for the treatment of diseases.

The future of telehealth-based pain management!!

There is ongoing research on telehealth as an alternative to in-person care. Patient’s quality of life can be enhanced by teletherapy and telehealth. In-person treatment is feasible with telehealth-based pain management. It has opened new doors for those who couldn’t previously access pain management treatment.

As telehealth becomes more widely adopted by healthcare providers across the nation to increase access and make it easier and less expensive to deploy, it will continue to play an expanding role in the treatment of chronic pain. Its expansion is especially significant in light of the continuing pandemic.

Pain management specialist in Newport News, Chesapeake assist each patient to lessen overall discomfort, develop coping skills to minimize the frequency and intensity of pain episodes, and inform patients on the best ways to manage their condition. 

As far as sports injuries are concerned, renowned sports doctors in Virginia Beach help cure athletic injuries swiftly. With proper medical treatment and therapies, varied sports injuries can be diagnosed easily. Sports doctors in Virginia Beach help patients with sports injuries schedule their routines and get back to their feet. 

Numerous sports injuries, including shoulder, rotator cuff, golfer's and tennis elbow, neck and back, knee, sprains, muscle tears, tendinitis, and tendinosis can be treated with simple methods. The primary goal of sports medicine doctors in Virginia Beach is to take good care of the players and assist in enhancing both their physical condition and athletic performance.

An effective medical strategy for treating a variety of illnesses, including sports injuries, is telehealth-based pain management. Standard processes and proven therapies can help someone live a better life. Medical professionals contribute to the creation of plans, ensure that they are fully implemented, and ensure that the needs of the patients are met.

The significance of an athlete’s injuries must also be thoroughly examined. Sports medicine specialists in Virginia Beach who have the necessary training in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of medical conditions guaranteed a healthy way of life.

With state-of-the-art technology and medical equipment, the disorders are detectable and curable easily. Doctors with specified expertise in the medical domain let them treat patients with a multiplicity approach. They follow a standard procedure and make plans wisely and assist patients to improve their lifestyles.

We live in a day and age where access to medical care is arguably more crucial. Telehealth is like a revolution in the field of healthcare. Pain management is an aspect of medicine that helps treat pain both acute and chronic. With proper nutrition, regular check-ups, a healthy schedule and exercise, one can stay fit and fine!


Frequently asked questions

   1.    What is Telehealth?

Refers to the usage of information and communication technology to access healthcare services remotely and manage healthcare.

   2.    Can telehealth-based pain management be used to treat patients only in situations like a pandemic?

No, telehealth-based pain management can be used to treat a patient in any situation. It is a more viable alternative in a situation like a pandemic.

   3.    What are the different types of sports injuries that can be treated?

Varied sports injuries such as Shoulder Injuries, Rotator Cuff Injuries, Golfer and Tennis Elbow, Neck and Back Injuries, Knee Injuries, Sprains, Muscle tears, Tendinosis and tendinitis can be treated with standard and easy procedures.