FDA DMF Silica Gel complies with USP41-NF36
Our packets can absorb water and other substances like aromatics, CO2, C12, and HC1. By absorbing water, silica gel packets can stop mold from growing, and prevent spoilage and other forms of moisture damage.

Purchase Silica Gel Packets to Protect Your Priceless Items

You want to be sure that your valuables are secure and undamaged when you pack and ship them from one place to another. You want to worry as little as possible about the things you have prepared for shipping. What happens if the packages are harmed in transit? Mold developed as a result of the excessive moisture, and your goods may also contain bacteria and smell foul. The food items are too rotten, oh no! What do you do next? Because the packers are aware that there will soon be environmental changes, they employ silica gel packets to safeguard your goods in that situation. Due to the silica gels used in the packaging, mould won't grow, moisture won't get into the boxes, the packages won't smell, and no extra flavour or colour will be added. Our heroes are the tiny white pouches that we discover in our food packages, medical supply packages, and transportation packages. It helps keep the boxes dry and free of humidity. Let's see how these little silica gel packs aid to save our possessions.

How silica gel packets safeguard our priceless belongings

Free of humidity: The main cause of the spoiled goods or packets is humidity. It may take days or even weeks to ship any item from one place to another and have it arrive. And throughout the day, the atmosphere changes. As a result, the humidity level in the air may change over time and from place to place. These silica gel packs work wonders at absorbing moisture, trapping it, and keeping it away from products and valuables.

Mold-free: Because the moisture is absorbed and trapped, the contents and valuables are dry, which makes the packages mold-free. Molds will grow and harm the items if moisture is allowed to contact the containers. The silica gel packs therefore aid in preventing mould growth in the boxes.

Odor-free - By preventing the goods' moisture content from touching them, it protects them from unpleasant odours. By introducing bad odours and mildew, moisture contributes more significantly to the destruction of goods. Therefore, you may protect your belongings from odours by using Silica gel packets.

The silica gel packets are safe to use despite environmental changes and fluctuating humidity levels because they don't contribute any new flavour or colour. It doesn't provide your packaged goods, particularly food and medical supplies, any additional colour or flavour.

What variety of silica gel packets does Interteck packaging offer?

Interteck offers two different types of silica gel packets and humidity packets. Even the gel packets can be tailored to your specifications. Start by examining the two different types of Silica Gel packets: Indicating and non-Indicating.

Non – Indicating – Silica gel packets in white or colourless are used to package items. These gels absorb the moisture content but do not alter their colour to show the level of saturation or absorption. Even if the gels are saturated, it will still be the same hue.

Indicating silica gel: These can be in blue or orange color. As the gel absorbs the moisture content from the environment, it changes its color. For example, on saturation of absorption, the blue silica gel would convert into pink, and orange would turn green.  

Businesses utilise Silica gels to secure a variety of products.

Most sectors, including FMCG, food, pharmaceuticals, automotive, healthcare, and households, utilise silica gel packs to keep their clothing dry and fresh all the time. Other use for silica gel packs include protecting dry food items from moisture by adding the packs to the container. This will keep the items safe. These humidity packs are used by people to preserve their favourite cigars so that their flavour does not deteriorate over time. After putting their phones in water, some individuals like to dry them off. Silica gel is used by the healthcare sector to protect equipment and medications against moisture and damage.

Final thought -  

Although silica gel packets should not be consumed, they are the safest way to pack items to protect them from moisture, mould, dogs, smell, bad taste, and further damage. The packages will stay dry and there won't be any added taste, colour, or fragrance. Additionally, the food industry employs silica gel packs to protect the flavour and safety of its dry food products from moisture. Depending on your needs, Interteck may assist you customise Silica gel packs. Both indicating gel and non-indicating gel packs of these packs are now available. You are free to select what suits you best. If you have used silica gel packets to bundle your goods and valuables, make sure that humid weather won't harm your packages.