Top 5 reasons Why move to the UK? - UK immigration consultants in Dubai
The most common reason for immigration in the year ending March 2020 was education (36%), followed by work (32%). Education was the main driver of immigration between 2009 and 2012; therefore, the decrease in people coming to the UK to study since then is due to the decrease in Tier 4 student visas granted to students from countries other than the European Economic Area and Switzerland.

Top 5 reasons Why move to the UK? - UK immigration consultants in Dubai

The most common reason for immigration in the year ending March 2020 was education (36%), followed by work (32%). Education was the main driver of immigration between 2009 and 2012; therefore, the decrease in people coming to the UK to study since then is due to the decrease in Tier 4 student visas granted to students from countries other than the European Economic Area and Switzerland. It is estimated that studying again became the main reason for immigration to the UK in 2018. ....

How come you should relocate to the UK?

With its high standard of living and diverse cities, the United Kingdom is among the most livable nations in the world. This nation is a great spot to settle down because of its vibrant cities with art and culture, friendly people, top-notch healthcare, prestigious colleges, and employment prospects.