Online learning a way forward for globalization
Let’s see some of the major mays in which onlne learning has made acquiring education convenient and is paving a way for globalisation.

Online meetings between teachers and students are what is referred to as online learning. The extraordinary advancements in information technology and worldwide networking are related to the globalization of society. It gives rise to e-learning, expanding our understanding of conventional learning and providing opportunities for all parties involved in the teaching and learning process. In the age of digital technology, a person's traditional education-based knowledge quickly becomes outdated. The future of lifelong learning and education is e-learning. More and more doors are opening in all industries because of the convergence of information and communication technologies, where mobile phones, computers, and the Internet have become indispensable. The Internet has created a new method for instructors and students worldwide to carry out their respective responsibilities without having to be physically close to one another in the field of education.

Let’s see some of the major mays in which onlne learning has made acquiring education convenient and is paving a way for globalisation:

Moving towards modernisation by removing geographical restriction

If we pay serious attention to how the world developed over a few decades, we discover that everything has altered a little, if not significantly. Since changes occur in all fields, the educational field is likewise impacted. Education is not as geographically restricted as it wa earlier. The rigidity of older education has given way to flexibility, and higher education is now accessible right outside your door. You can even finish your degree while working. These all occur as a result of the effects of globalization. Globalization has allowed people to think critically and broadly, understand the bigger picture, and use technology to complete tasks more swiftly, comfortably, and efficiently. Advanced online learning technologies have been created because of the globalization of education, accessibility to education, and learning and tutoring paradigms. Technology development has accelerated transformation in the educational system. One can now select any in-depth learning programmes offered by online education institutes based on their needs. Online education has opened the door of renowned universities which allows the candidate to obtain the education they always desired for. Seeing through a globalized telescope, it is believed that education must adapt to the new demands of the current borderless information society by promoting awareness of the environment, world peace, and cultural and social diversity. In this regard, the challenge for online and remote learning systems is to implement reforms, develop, and construct systems that prepare people to work in an economy with no borders and live in a global society. Because of the challenges of globalization, people must be flexible and committed to lifelong learning. The market values output-producing abilities more than academic degrees fixed in time and space. This includes working cooperatively in global networks. Numerous students who would not otherwise have been able to attend school due to distance from campus or difficulty balancing jobs and traditional academics now have that opportunity, thanks to the institution providing online and distance learning.

Revolution in education system by means of Online learning

The sector of education has undergone a revolutionary upheaval thanks to online learning. Online education has become more accessible because of Internet-based training programmes. By using computers linked to the Internet, the online educational model has made it possible to spread pedagogy to every corner of the globe. Electronic education has eliminated illiteracy, which has also helped the economy flourish and improved infrastructure. The global education model has removed the hurdles to education in remote areas. It has evolved into a tool for communication, an online learning environment where interaction is crucial and pedagogy is intertwined, and it heralds a significant shift in how people view online education in the near future. Our society cannot function without education; thus, these changes will undoubtedly impact the society in a better way.

Online learning becoming a means of learner friendly education system The age of the technological and scientific revolution is now. People have to re-equip due to the rapid speed of change in the workplace since they must acquire new knowledge and abilities to compete, thrive, and prosper. New knowledge and skills will be necessary for people to oversee and manage their own working life.We need to have a learner-friendly education system in a worldwide environment. For students or peripheral employees who would otherwise have been excluded from further learning, online education provides flexible learning that can be linked with employment, where the studies can be done at the office or at home, which is excellent. ODE (open and distance education), frequently features flexible learning. In remote regions, geographic barriers are a problem. Many people may find social obstacles to be just as strong. Minorities, women, and the underprivileged have overcome this barrier for obtaining higher education. Those without official credentials have some access, thanks to the Open University. Perhaps more importantly, learners who find it difficult to speak up in face-to-face lectures regard online, asynchronous learner-learner interaction as less intimidating. Online education helps to fulfil many aspects of globalization in the modern day while also encouraging learners to become more effective, reasonable, and skilful.