How to Write a Book Review
For helping you become a more perceptive reader and therefore a more perceptive writer whether you run a blog want to write up a review for amazon or even if you just want to improve your own reading skills not only does it really help out the writer for you to leave a review for them it can really help you in your own craft to help realize what works.


 if someone sees that the book is similar or would appeal to fans of several books that they've read and enjoyed they might feel pretty inclined to pick this one up even if you didn't like the book you could say i wasn't a huge fan of this but i think it might appeal to fans of these books now of course your evaluation is going to be weighted based on what left an impression on you and what didn't there may even be things that were a drawback for you but that you think might appeal to other readers for example a writing style that you don't typically vibe with but that you know other readers enjoy or a trope that's not your favorite but that you know other people like or maybe the book just didn't really fit your expectations but might appeal well to its proper target audience when writing up the evaluation section of your review it's really important to remember that the author is a person who put a lot of time.

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 and effort into the book no matter how much you may have disliked it you want to treat their book with respect even if it really wasn't to your taste in respect for the author try not to make assumptions about what was going on in their head or what their writing process was like it takes a lot of work and time to write a book and we just can't really infer these things based on the end product and finally you want to end your review by giving your recommendation this whole review is ultimately leading up to whether or not you would recommend this book to other readers and to which readers specifically this is a great place to include your star rating quickly summarize while you gave the book that writing and include any comp titles so to summarize the structure of your review is going to be a brief summary followed by the bulk of the review which will be the evaluation section and then you want to end with a brief conclusion that will include a star rating why you gave her that rating and who you would recommend the book to now that's the general structure of the review but here are a couple final tips first of all don't focus too heavy on that summary it is important.


 but this isn't a book report and it's likely that the reader does already know what the book is about if they're reading review that summary section is really there as an introduction piece and to summarize the book for any readers who maybe haven't encountered this book before number two remember that it's okay to have an opinion you don't need to be neutral nor should you it's okay to have a strong opinion even if your opinion was just that the book didn't really leave a strong impression on you and you can also make your stance clear from the start you don't need to include any kind of plot twist near the end of your review or keep readers guessing throughout the middle of the review number three is to support your points with actual evidence if you thought the writing style was beautiful include an excerpt if you thought there were elements of the world building that didn't make sense include examples it's a lot like writing an academic essay in this way if you make a point and then don't support it with any evidence it's hard for anyone reading review to really take that point seriously and finally think about where the review is going to be posted follow guidelines and consider how professional you should be if it's for a more professional outlet be more professional in your tone if it's for your own personal blog or you're just posting it on goodreads it can be a bit more informal .