Empowering Students for a Brighter Future: Communities in Schools Jacksonville's Mission
Communities In Schools Jacksonville, Florida, serves students with a community of support programs, empowering them to grow into successful adults Visit us!

Communities in Schools (CIS) is a national organization that aims to empower students and provide them with the tools and resources they need to succeed in school and beyond. In Florida, CIS has been making a significant impact, and Communities in Schools Jacksonville (CIS Jacksonville) is at the forefront of this mission. With a vision of a brighter future for all students, CIS Jacksonville is dedicated to providing comprehensive support to students in need, helping them overcome challenges and achieve their full potential. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into CIS Jacksonville's mission, programs, and impact, and how they are empowering students for a brighter future.

About Communities in Schools Florida

Communities in Schools Florida is a state-level affiliate of the national CIS organization. It is a non-profit organization that partners with schools and communities across the state to provide support services to students who face various challenges that may hinder their success in school. With a focus on addressing the underlying needs of students, such as academic, social, emotional, and physical needs, Communities in Schools Florida works to level the playing field and create equitable opportunities for all students to succeed.

Communities in Schools Jacksonville: Making a Difference

Communities in Schools Jacksonville is the local affiliate of CIS in the Jacksonville area. With a deep-rooted commitment to the community, CIS Jacksonville has been making a significant difference in the lives of students for many years. Their mission is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school, graduate, and achieve their goals.

Programs and Services Offered

CIS Jacksonville offers a range of programs and services that are tailored to meet the unique needs of students in the community. These programs are designed to address various challenges that students may face, including academic, behavioral, social, emotional, and physical challenges. Some of the key programs and services offered by CIS Jacksonville include:

  1. Dropout Prevention: CIS Jacksonville works to prevent students from dropping out of school by providing targeted interventions, counseling, mentoring, and academic support. Through early intervention and personalized support, CIS Jacksonville helps students stay on track and successfully complete their education.

  2. Academic Support: CIS Jacksonville provides academic support to help students improve their grades, increase their engagement in school, and develop essential skills for success. This includes tutoring, homework assistance, test preparation, and other academic enrichment activities.

  3. Counseling and Mental Health Services: CIS Jacksonville recognizes the importance of addressing the social and emotional well-being of students. They provide counseling and mental health services to help students cope with challenges, develop healthy coping strategies, and build resilience.

  4. Career and College Readiness: CIS Jacksonville helps students explore career options, develop career goals, and navigate the college application process. They provide guidance, resources, and support to help students make informed decisions about their future.

  5. Basic Needs Assistance: CIS Jacksonville understands that students cannot thrive academically if their basic needs are not met. They provide assistance with essential needs, such as food, clothing, hygiene products, and school supplies, to ensure that students can focus on their education.

Impact and Success Stories

The impact of Communities in Schools Jacksonville's programs and services can be seen through the success stories of the students they have served. Many students who have benefited from CIS Jacksonville's support have overcome challenges, improved their grades, increased their attendance, and successfully graduated from high school. These students have gone on to pursue higher education, enter the workforce, and become productive members of their communities. CIS Jacksonville's impact goes beyond just academics, as they also focus on helping students develop important life skills, such as resilience, self-advocacy, and critical thinking, which are essential for their long-term success.

How to Get Involved

Communities in Schools Jacksonville relies on the support of the community to carry out their mission of empowering students. There are several ways individuals, organizations, and businesses can get involved and make a difference. Some of the ways to support CIS Jacksonville include:

  1. Volunteering: CIS Jacksonville welcomes volunteers who can provide mentoring, tutoring, career guidance, or other support services to students. Volunteers can make a significant impact on students' lives by sharing their knowledge, skills, and experiences.

  2. Donating: CIS Jacksonville relies on donations to fund their programs and services. Donations can be made in the form of monetary contributions, in-kind donations, or sponsorships. Every donation, big or small, can make a difference in helping students succeed.

  3. Partnering: CIS Jacksonville collaborates with various community partners, including schools, businesses, government agencies, and other non-profit organizations, to expand their reach and impact. Partnerships can help amplify the impact of CIS Jacksonville's programs and services.

  4. Advocacy: CIS Jacksonville advocates for policies and initiatives that support students' success, such as increased funding for education, policies that promote equity and inclusion, and support for social-emotional learning programs. Advocacy efforts can help create systemic change and improve the educational outcomes for all students.


Communities in Schools Jacksonville's mission of empowering students for a brighter future is commendable. Through their comprehensive programs and services, they are making a real difference in the lives of students in Jacksonville, Florida. By addressing the underlying needs of students and providing them with the tools and resources they need to succeed academically, socially, and emotionally, CIS Jacksonville is helping students unlock their full potential. Whether through volunteering, donating, partnering, or advocating, there are many ways to support CIS Jacksonville's mission and make a positive impact on the lives of students in the community. Together, we can empower students and build a brighter future for our communities.