Difference between web design and web development
Web designers and web developers work for the same purpose. In other words, create an attractive and visually appealing website that is user-friendly and feature-rich.However, these experts approach it completely differently.This section explores the comparison between web design and web development and examines the specific tasks and skills of web designers and web developers.


What is Web Design?

 Web design refers to the usability or user experience (UX), the visual or user interface (UI) of a website.Everything about layout, file flows, color scheme, UI/user experience and website visualization is an integral part of website design.Web design organizations use charts, devices, markup, wireframes, and graphics to create visual experiences for users. Together, these events can create or destroy digital knowledge and online space for businesses.Website design companies provide developers with key facilities to create custom websites including frontend and backend. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the most common tools used in web design, and programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator are used to create web mockups.

Web design professionals are good at:

  • Layout
  • Visual design
  • Content
  • Conversion funnel
  • User journey

Website design is not just about aesthetics. This includes everything from navigation and referrals to exchange transactions, user visits, and more.


What is Website Development?

Website developers code the front-end of the website that users see on screen. These rules describe the design process created by the website developer.The web developer also creates a backend or server side of the website which manages the information in the file and presents the information on the front-end screen.When web designers provide products outside of the website, web developers provide functionality for that design.Website developers bring website mockups and designs to life using UI and UX best practices to deliver visibility to website developers. This allows site developers to select the appropriate tools to deliver the end product as needed. Front-end developers work closely with web designers because their work overlaps in many areas.


Web developer skills and tools include:

·         HTML

·         PHP

·         CSS

·         JavaScript

·         the framework

·         library

A content management system such as WordPress or Joomla

Web Designers Vs. Web Developers: Who Are They and What Are Their Capabilities?

The terms "web designer" and "web developer" are very broad. Although there is some overlap between the two, there can also be significant differences when it comes to function and intelligence.In fact, these people may focus on different areas of their intelligence and may have different skills and knowledge to make the most of it.

There are four general types of web designers:

·         Web Designers

·         Execute design using CMS such as WordPress

·         Design less demanding websites for SMBs

·         UX Designers

·         Focus on human-centric design

·         Create great user experience through design research, testing and validation

·         UI Designers

·         Focus on usability design

·         Create a friction-free interface that converts well

·         UX/UI Designers

·         Focus on user experience and user interface Web Designers

·         Execute design using CMS such as WordPress

·         Design less demanding websites for SMBs

·         UX Designers

·         Focus on human-centric design

·         Create great user experience through design research, testing and validation

·         UI Designers

·         Focus on usability design

·         Create a friction-free interface that converts well

·         UX/UI Designers

·         Focus on user experience and user interface


Similarly, there are three main types of web developers:

·         Backend Developers

·         Use PHP, Java and SQL programming languages

·         Code database, server and complex website functionalities

·         Perform debugging and testing

·         Frontend Developers

·         Use CSS, HTML and PHP programming language

·         Code the website

·         Build user features and functionalities

·         Full-stack Developers

·         Use both basic and advanced programming languages

·         Code both frontend and backend


Since web developers are in charge of a website’s technical area, their skills need to be code-oriented. Developers program different parts of a website that have different requirements in terms of skills.

These abilities and skills fall into developers’ compulsory knowledge:

·         HTML: Markup language for frontend that enables styling text for web browsers.

·         CSS: Frontend stylesheet language for formatting the web page elements.

·         PHP: Backend programming language for coding the website’s core. JavaScript: An advanced language language for turning static web pages into interactive content.

·         Libraries: A resource developers use to save time without having to write everything from scratch.

·         Git: A platform for managing the various contents of a website.

In addition to knowledge of this job, developers should demonstrate an understanding of:

ü  Search engine optimization

ü  Responsive website

ü  Project and time management

ü  Cooperation

ü  problem-solving skills

ü  Web designers, on the other hand, create web interfaces that push their expertise into the world of design and visual content.


Web designers should be aware of the following:

ü  Layout/Format: We suggest a design that matches the format when choosing usability. Branding: Understanding your client's name and how it communicates its image and message.

ü  Color theory: determining the psychological and spatial nature of colors.

ü  Customer Drive: See how your customers will drive change. These steps will guide you through designing the user interface and user experience.

ü  Build funnels: Understand user preferences and make website visitors meet their needs. I am also responsible for UX/UI design.

ü  Design Ideas: Identify top users who visit your website to create designs that engage with your audience.

ü  Responsive Design: Identify and customize a design that affects the web portal across devices and browsers.

ü  Social Media: Use website content to reach and engage with your audience.

In addition to these skills, web designers should understand:

ü  Project and time management

ü  Better web accessibility

ü  HTML and CSS coding

ü  search engine optimization

ü  Conversion rate optimization

ü  communication between consumers

ü  Team work

If you are looking for a best website development company in dehradun you can visit Adxventure the website development company where you can design your website according to your requirements.