6 Best Tips On How To Improve Fluency In PTE Speaking
Improve your speaking fluency in the PTE exam with these 6 tips. Learn how to practice pronunciation, use filler words, and structure your answers. Get ready to ace the PTE speaking section and take your English skills to the next level.

6 Proven Tips To Improve Your PTE Speaking Fluency Quickl


Fluency is one of the most important skills you need to have to do well in the PTE speaking section. Fluency refers to how clear and smooth your speech sounds when you are speaking English. If you are not able to speak fluently, it will be difficult for examiners to understand what you are saying and this will result in low marks for the speaking task.

1. Anticipate the questions and prepare your response

Anticipating the questions is a very good way to improve your fluency in PTE speaking. It allows you to prepare your response and gives you more time to think about what you want to say. It also helps eliminate any unnecessary pauses or stumbles, which are often caused by lack of preparation or thinking on your feet. This can be one of the useful tips for PTE writing section.

When anticipating questions, think about:

  • The topic of the essay (what was asked)
  • The question type (for example: "Discuss" or "Explain")
  • What would be an appropriate answer for this question type?

2. Learn how to practice pronunciation, use filler words

  • Learn how to practice pronunciation, use filler words

Pronunciation is the most important part of speaking for PTE Speaking test. You can improve your pronunciation by using filler words like "um", "ah" and "er". These are called fillers because they help you to pronounce words correctly when you don't know how to say them or when you need time to think about what to say next during a conversation or interview.

3. Speak slowly, pause and breathe in between your sentences

When speaking, it is important to speak slowly and pause between sentences. This will give you time to think about what you want to say next. When taking a PTE Speaking test, it is important that you speak at a pace that feels natural for you. Avoid this mistake in PTE test to score high in speaking section.

You should also take deep breaths before starting your response and breathe out as you speak. This will help keep your voice steady so that the examiner can easily understand what it is that you are saying!

4. Be natural and relaxed when you speak

  • Be natural and relaxed when you speak.
  • Don't be afraid to make mistakes.
  • Don't try to speak in a different accent or dialect.
  • Don't try to be someone else, just be yourself!
  • Don't use too much slang or informal language (e.g., for example), as this can make it difficult for the examiner to understand you clearly; this also applies when using colloquialisms such as "like" and "you know." As well as being used too frequently by many non-native speakers, they may also cause confusion if they're not used at all by some native speakers (e.g., Canadians).

5. Use visual aids to support your speech

Visual aids are a great way to help you improve your fluency and boost your PTE score. For example, you can use a mirror to check your body language and make sure that it's appropriate for the situation. If the examiner asks you about something specific, write down key points on a piece of paper so that when it comes time for answering questions, these points will be fresh in mind. The examiner will appreciate this because it means he/she won't have to repeat himself/herself as often!

6. Talk To A Native Speaker (Even If It's You!)

Talking to yourself is an effective way to learn. You can talk about what you want or need, and even practice your pronunciation. You can also use this technique when talking with a friend or family member so that you will be able to express yourself clearly and fluently in English.

Your teacher can help you improve your fluency by giving feedback on how well their students are doing in class and providing suggestions for improvement, such as asking them questions about an article they read or listening attentively while they speak so they know whether they're making sense while speaking English at home too!

Using these techniques or strategies will help you improve fluency in PTE speaking

  • Anticipate the questions. You should be able to predict what types of questions your examiner is going to ask you, and prepare your response in advance.
  • Prepare your response. If you are given a topic or question, make sure that you understand it fully before speaking on it. Make sure that you have sufficient information and data points so that when the examiner asks for clarification, there will be no gaps in your explanation or argumentation process.


If you want to improve your fluency in PTE Speaking, then you need to practice. Practice is the key to success and it will help you improve your fluency in no time at all. You can practice by speaking with friends or family members who aren't fluent in English so they will help correct your mistakes!