Is CPVC and UPVC Same?
When it comes to pipes, there are a few different types that are commonly used. One of the main ones is PVC.

PVC is an all-purpose polymer that is used for a variety of applications. Its strong chemical resistance and high tensile strength make it a popular choice for pipes.


What is PVC?

PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is a synthetic plastic that's commonly used in consumer goods and building construction. It's also used in the medical industry and for other applications, such as making packaging and electrical and electronic equipment.

It's classified as a thermoplastic, which means that it softens when heated. This allows it to be manufactured into a variety of different forms and then recycled again for reuse.

Unlike some other plastics, PVC doesn't chemically react with many substances it comes into contact with. This is important for a number of reasons, including allowing it to transport various chemicals and reagents without causing them to degrade or harm each other.

The material's low oxygen content and high chlorine concentration make it fire-retardant. This is particularly beneficial for applications where flammable liquids are being transported, such as in pipes and tanks.

Another major advantage of PVC is that it doesn't corrode or react with substances like oils, inorganic acids, fats, salts and bases. This makes it an ideal material for a wide range of uses.

In fact, it's so durable that some people believe it can last up to 70 years. This is especially true in applications where it's used as a replacement for metal pipes, such as in construction and home renovations.

Unfortunately, PVC production and use have a serious negative impact on human health and the environment. This is due to the release of toxic chemicals into the air, water and food chain.

A number of companies and governments have enacted restrictions on the use of PVC in their products and have made substitutions to plastics that are less damaging to the environment and human health. A few big names, such as Proctor and Gamble and Mattel, have phased out PVC packaging entirely.

Despite these efforts, PVC is still widely used in the United States and around the world, mainly as piping for distributing fluids such as water, chemicals and ingredients. A large part of this is due to the fact that it's relatively cheap and can be molded into different shapes and sizes.


What is UPVC?

UPVC, or Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride, is a plastic material that does not contain phthalates or BPA. This makes it a great choice for many products, including doors and windows.

uPVC is a hard-wearing and durable material that offers many benefits over wood and metal options. These include improved weather resistance, higher energy efficiency, and heightened security against break-ins. It also provides the best protection against air and water leakage – meaning it is the perfect material for your home.

The material has been around since the 1930s and was used for a range of construction applications. Today, it is a common choice for doors and windows, as well as cladding, guttering systems, conservatory roofs, and trim and fascia.

In addition, UPVC is an excellent material for plumbing. It can be used to transport non-potable water, insulate electrical cables, and help with draining waste.

PVC pipes are a very popular alternative to cast iron for piping applications. They have a high temperature rating, which helps them resist erosion and chemical corrosion. They are also very lightweight, making them easier to handle and transport.

They are also incredibly versatile, as they can be molded into many different shapes. They are commonly used as replacements for wooden and aluminum pipe in residential and commercial building.

UPVC is an extremely durable material, and it can stand up to high temperatures and steam. It is more rigid than PVC, but it is also flexible.

As a result, it is often used for heavy-duty projects that require the highest levels of strength and durability. It is a good choice for many residential and commercial applications, but it’s important to choose the right one for your specific project.

UPVC is an engineered plastic that is resistant to many chemicals, heat and corrosion. It is a low-cost and easy-to-maintain alternative to timber and aluminium. It is also available in a variety of colours and finishes, which means it can suit any building or style. It is also incredibly recyclable and can be remolded into new items at very high temperatures.

What is CPVC?

CPVC, or chlorinated polyvinyl chloride, is similar to PVC pipe except it undergoes another step where chlorine is added. This adds to the chemical properties of the plastic, improving fire retardancy and structural integrity.

The result is a durable, highly workable material with high corrosion and temperature resistance that can be machined, welded, or formed into a variety of product shapes or geometries. This makes it a popular choice for a wide range of piping applications, including residential and commercial water distribution systems, drain lines, and vents.

Although CPVC is more expensive than PVC, it offers a wider range of uses and a longer service life. Its chemical resistance makes it a popular choice for industrial and commercial piping applications, especially where exposure to acid or alkali chemicals is possible.

Its excellent resistance to acids, bases, and salts helps it resist corrosive environments that can damage metals. It also provides excellent fire retardancy and is resistant to bacterial growth.

CPVC is also a good option for hot water applications. Regular PVC resin can handle temperatures up to 140 degrees before softening, but CPVC can withstand higher temperatures. This is important when dealing with hot water pipes that connect to your home’s hot water heater.

Because of its higher temperature tolerance, CPVC is more commonly used for water heaters and in water piping that connects to heating and cooling equipment. CPVC is also a preferred material for the overflow pipes that connect to pressure relief valves.

Both PVC and CPVC are safe for transporting potable water, but only plumbing that has been certified by an authority is acceptable for this purpose. This includes pipes that meet ANSI / NSF 61 standards.

CPVC is available in both nominal pipe size (NPS) and copper tube size (CTS). Nominal sizes are measured by the diameter of the interior hole, while CTS measurements are based on the external diameter. Both types of pipes have technical specifications printed on the side for easy verification.

What is the difference between UPVC and CPVC?

CPVC and UPVC are both synthetic polymers which can be used for various purposes. However, they have different properties and characteristics. These differences help to determine the most appropriate material for each particular application.

UPVC is a form of PVC Pipe products that does not use plasticizers during the preparation process. It is also known as Un-plasticized polyvinyl chloride (UPVC).

These pipes are strong and rigid and can withstand heat, rain, or fire. They are often used for hot and cold water pipes. They are also resistant to rust and corrosion.

They are made using a special treatment called free radical chlorination. This process allows UPVC to be flexible, but not as hard as CPVC.

Both materials are used for pipe insulation, cable insulation, plumbing, and other purposes. UPVC is also used as a substitute for wood in some areas of construction.

It is also a material that can be recycled. This is important for the environment. It is an excellent option for people who want to lower their carbon footprint.

UPVC is also more durable than CPVC. It can withstand heavy rains and high winds. This makes it ideal for window frames and other building projects.

Another important difference between UPVC and CPVC is that UPVC does not contain lead. This is a common additive to many types of polymers, including PVC.

Lead is a toxic chemical and can leach out of PVC pipes, creating health problems for users of potable water. This is why it is important to choose a lead-free product when transporting water.

This is why it is important to purchase a UPVC pipe that is certified by an industry organization, such as the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF). The NSF certification ensures that a PVC pipe is safe for use with drinking water.

CPVC, on the other hand, is made using a chlorine treatment process. It is also a flexible plastic with high resistance to heat.

It has a higher chlorine content than UPVC and can withstand heat to around 95degC. This is why it is often used in the chemical processing industry.