A beginner's guide to Facebook advertising
Many people opt out of Facebook ads because of incorrect account settings or the sheer number of advertising options Facebook offers. To get started successfully, make sure you have set up your Meta Business Manager account correctly. Follow the instructions to create an ad account, which serves as the central hub for all your Facebook advertising activities. If you already have an ad account, you can add one instead of creating one from scratch.

Are you planning to advertise on Facebook? Good - Facebook ads are arguably the most effective way to market your products to over 2.9 billion people worldwide. You will be able to target a specific audience in any niche with Facebook ads and draw attention to your brand.


Facebook Meta Business Suite offers extensive targeting options for e-commerce entrepreneurs, allowing you to target people based on location, gender, age, interests, behaviors, life events, and more.


How to Create a Facebook Ad: 6 Steps

    1. Set up your Meta Business Suite

Many people opt out of Facebook ads because of incorrect account settings or the sheer number of advertising options Facebook offers. To get started successfully, make sure you have set up your Meta Business Manager account correctly. Follow the instructions to create an ad account, which serves as the central hub for all your Facebook advertising activities. If you already have an ad account, you can add one instead of creating one from scratch.


    1. Install Meta Pixel

While you can boost a post or set up a campaign in Facebook Ads Manager, you won't know if an ad has generated any sales on a website without setting the metapixel that serves as a bridge between your Facebook ad and the website. You must create this tracking code in your Meta Business Suite account and add it to your website before purchasing ads.

    1. Build a Facebook Audience

Advertising to the right audience is critical to success on Facebook. With billions of users around the world, using the Facebook Audiences feature in Meta Business Suite is critical to identify people who might be interested in your brand or product. You can use Audiences to create lists of targeted people. While there are many features in the Audiences section to help you define these lists, it is essential to understand and utilize Facebook Ads Targeting and search options.

    1. Create a Facebook Ad Campaign

To start your first Fb Business Suite ad campaign, go to the "Advertise" section and click the "Create Ad" button. Then select a target from the following options:


    • Facebook advertising goals

    • Automated Ads: Facebook will test six different versions to find the most effective one.

    • Increase Website Traffic: Increase website traffic.

    • Promote Post: To promote an organic post.

    • Get more messages: for advertising in messengers.


    • Promote Your Page: For a simple ad that promotes your business page on Facebook.

    1. Choose creative and schedule

Creating the ad itself is the next step in creating ads on Facebook. Facebook ads have their own guidelines for successful and effective ad creative, which are different from regular ads.


When creating an ad, you can select a Facebook business page and/or Instagram account to display it, allowing you to increase brand awareness and gain more social media followers, even if that is not your primary goal.

    1. Optimize Your Facebook Ad Campaigns

Setting up a Facebook ad campaign is critical to success on the platform. However, monitoring and optimizing the performance of FB ad campaigns over time is just as important. It's a good idea to check your listings daily or more often as costs increase.