How can I change my Air Serbia flight?
Want to find out abut how to change Air Serbia flight? Then you have came to the right place to know how you can change your flight with Air Serbia easily. Read more about flight change fee and policy.

Travelers who have made ticket reservations with air Serbia must know that they can make changes to their flight, and these changes are made after you call the support team of Serbia at + 1 (718) 7258642. You have to tell the support team that you want an Air Serbia flight change, and they are going to confirm the ticket that you had with them, and they also tell you available dates that you can fly with them.

How do I change my Air Serbia flight date online?

When you have booked your flight with Air Serbia, and later, you want to modify the flight dates for some reason. The online process to change Air Serbia is written below:

  • Visit the official website of Air Serbia.
  • Go to the “My Reservation” option and fill in the reservation code and surname; then, you can find a reservation.
  • Now, you can change the flight date. 

Can I reschedule my Air Serbia flight without fees?

Yes, you can change your flight on Air Serbia, and that too without fees. To do so, you must know that there is a policy that permits free changes if you have purchased a ticket. You are making changes within 24 hours. You can make those for free also if your departure time is seven days or more.


Passengers can change their flights. If you make these changes considering the policy of change, you won't have to pay a cost for that.
