Bahrain Legalization Services
Since Bahrain is not a member of the Hague Convention countries, Bahrain legalization takes four main steps to obtain legalization from the embassy.

Since Bahrain is not a member of the Hague Convention countries, Bahrain legalization takes four main steps to obtain legalization from the embassy.

1- Certificate of document from your state for use in Bahrain.

2- Authentication of documents by the U.S. Department of Commerce for use in Bahrain.

3- Stamp by the U.S. Arab Chamber of Commerce for use in Bahrain.

4- Bahrain Document Legalization


You can contact We offer Bahrain embassy legalization services, throw the following:

- We will explain each step in detail.

- Help complete each required form.

- Show the contact email address and phone number for each step

- Provide an estimated processing time and a fee for each step.

- Help create and print discounted FedEx invoices Airway to mail and receive your documents.

- Provide information about available expedited services.