Interview with Ryan Rusnak, Co-founder and CTO, Airspace | AI Tech Park
Determining the optimal path for these types of shipments is extremely difficult.
Most start at an arbitrary place—a lab, hospital, warehouse—versus an airport.This interview with Ryan Rusnak gives us a walkthrough of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine transforming shipping business.

1. Tell us about your role at Airspace?

I am co-founder and CTO at Airspace, a global delivery network focused on leveraging technology and people to make shipping faster, safer, and more transparent.

2. Can you elaborate on your career in the industry?

Before co-founding Airspace, I wrote software solutions for the Federal Government. I worked on an application that creates the federal budget, The White House iOS application under The Barack Obama administration, and early machine learning work with the National Institutes of Health. 

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