How to Prepare for Microsoft Azure DP-203 Exam
The goal of this blog is to provide preparation guidance. Candidates benefit from it in order to pass the Azure DP-203 Microsoft data engineering certification exam. It assists candidates with value addition, skill development, exam advice, and study guides.

Why Azure DP-203 -

Data engineering jobs are in high demand. A good way to learn, develop, and demonstrate your knowledge is to earn a certification in the field. Every cloud service provider provides a certification that is specific to their data engineering services.

Today, everything depends on thorough data analysis to understand the customer's pain points. So that it can spot fresh chances to expand its market share. It is crucial for people and businesses in such a difficult business environment. to be able to join, transform, and integrate data across platforms. The Data Engineering on Microsoft to Azure certification (DP-203) is one example of this. It aids experts in developing some of the top analytics solutions. 

Below are a few benefits that Microsoft lists.

  • Increase in demand for data engineers. The Microsoft Certification on a CV is widely recognized.
  • Upon earning a certification, many candidates get job promotions. Many technical professionals claim that earning certifications increased their pay.
  • A certification results in a massive gain in both job prospects and income.

Skills development for data engineers -

Below are the improvements noticed after studying for the exam (Azure DP-203) and passing it.

  • Data architecture patterns and parallel processing.
  • Combining, transforming, and consolidating data into a form that can be used to create analytics solutions.
  • Exploring data to assist stakeholders in understanding it.
  • Acquiring new skills to create and keep secure complaint data. 
  • Processing pipeline using various tools and methods.
  • Ensure that data stores and pipelines operate effectively, efficiently, and reliably.
  • Managing unexpected problems and reducing data loss.
  • Designing, putting into practice, overseeing, securing, and improving data platforms to satisfy data pipeline requirements
  • SQL, Scala, and Python are data processing languages.
  • Utilizing the Azure calculator and other services to deliver cost-effective solutions.

Prerequisites -

  • The basics of Azure are described.
  • at least 6–12 months of experience working with the Azure cloud.
  • good command of languages for data processing, including Python, SQL for data science, and Scala.

Path to Learning -

The initial candidate must learn how to design in order to become certified. He needs to set up data processing, monitoring, security, and storage. 

  • Design and implement a data storage system (40–45%)
  • Designing and creating data processing (25–30%)
  • Create and implement data security (10–15%)
  • Keep an eye on and improve data processing and storage (by 10-15%).

Study Approach -

  • Two hours a day of study time should help working professionals organize their preparation. The time frame needed is roughly two months. The following preparation steps are advised:
  • Examine the Microsoft documentation. Perform practical labs using sandbox virtual machines beside it. This will take about 58 hours to complete in its entirety.
  • Look at SkillUp Online's Course of Azure DP-203. This will take about 4 days, online 8 hours/day to complete in its entirety.
  • Examine the Practice Tests to see what kinds of questions are asked. Understand the concepts behind the responses at the same time.
  • Depending on how well you did on the practice test, you can compile a list of subjects you believe need to be reviewed.

Exam tips-

1] Enough Time- There is no urgent issue with time throughout the exam. There will be plenty of time for you to answer all the questions. Without worrying about the timeout, you can consider your options and select the best response.

2] Marking system- Out of a possible 1000 points, you are expected to receive 700. However, it does not imply answering 70% of the questions correctly. Why? because various questions carry varying points depending on how difficult they are. In multiple-choice questions, you will receive points for each correct response.

3] No Negative Marking- Answer every question on the test. Negative scores are not permitted on this exam.

4] Process of elimination- In every exam question, I use this. I read the question first, then I consider the incorrect response. I can typically eliminate 50% of the responses right away, which is very helpful. I made sure I understood all the prerequisites by rereading the question. I then determine which response is correct. 

5] Review questions- In each area of a Microsoft exam, you have the choice. In some circumstances, you can tick a box to the upper left to select a Review question. Before you finish that portion, return to that question later. The following are the reasons I employ it. The questions you don't know the answers to can be skipped or returned at a later time. By answering as many questions as possible, you can boost your confidence. This eases any anxiety you may be experiencing. Can't return: There will be a few questions on the exam that you can only respond to once. You cannot go back and change that response; it will be final.

6] Time management - Avoid wasting too much time on a question that you are having trouble with. Therefore, select review and return to it later.

7] Comments- You can check the box for the question's comments. At the conclusion of your exam, you will have the chance to comment on this question. If someone asks you a question that's unclear If you think doing so could cause you to respond to the question improperly, Make use of the comments to mark it as reviewed. You might be given credit for the question if the comment is legitimate. It, in some cases, indicates that you might improve from a failing attempt to a passing grade.

8] Case Studies- Case studies can be time-consuming to read through in some exams. They also were successful with my strategy. I initially skipped reading the case study. I review the questions and re-read the pertinent sections of the case study. My justification is that reading it takes a lot of time. I might read things that have nothing to do with the questions or replies.


All done! This concludes the preparation manual for the DP-203 Data Engineering on Microsoft Azure certification. Wishing you luck!