
Tag: Kidney Treatment

किडनी में सुधार के लिए खाएं ये 5 हरी पत्तेदार सब्जियां...

In this video we will tell you about best green leafy vegetables for kidney...

  • nehakarma

बस 1 चम्मच खाये किडनी ताकतवर बनाये | How to make your K...

Isabgol is a traditional medicine that is taken into use in Ayurveda for pr...

  • nehakarma

इस पौधे ने बचाया किडनी फेल होने से | Best Ayurvedic Med...

Today, through this channel, kidney treatment without dialysis, we present...

  • nehakarma

हरिद्वार से आया पोता,दादी को किडनी रोग से बचाने | Best...

The patient's name is Usha Sharma from Haridwar. She was suffering from Kid...

  • nehakarma

चिरचिटा का जादू करेगा किडनी रोग दूर | Ayurvedic Medicin...

In today's video on the "Kidney Treatment without Dialysis" channel, we wil...

  • nehakarma

ये गर्म गर्म सूप बढ़ाएगा किडनी की शक्ति | What soups are...

Let’s get started with Soup. An appetiser that stimulates hunger and is tak...

  • nehakarma

किडनी का सुरक्षा कवच है ये 4 चीज़े | kidney ko majboot k...

In today's video on the "Kidney Treatment without Dialysis" channel, we wil...

  • nehakarma

1 सेब रखेगा किडनी रोग को ज़िंदगीभर दूर | Apple Juice for...

Hello everyone! Welcome to our youtube channel - kidney treatment without d...

  • nehakarma

किडनी रोगी के लिए परहेज | Foods to Avoid by kidney Fail...

There are several foods that are key sources of sugar and sodium. As you kn...

  • nehakarma

इस फल के पत्ते से करे किडनी फेल का इलाज | ayurvedic med...

Are Jamun leaves good for Kidney patients? On our youtube channel - Kidney...

  • nehakarma

एक महीने की दवाई से जगी ठीक होने की उम्मीद | karma ayur...

Jareena Begum came from Banaras. She is suffering from a Kidney-related pro...

  • nehakarma

डायलिसिस में ये जरूर खाये कमजोरी नहीं आएगी | Diet for K...

In today's video on the "Kidney Treatment without Dialysis" channel, we wil...

  • nehakarma

ये सफ़ेद चाय पिए किडनी फेल में | Can Kidney Patients Dri...

In today's video on the "Kidney Treatment without Dialysis" channel, we wil...

  • nehakarma

15 साल पुरानी किडनी हुई ठीक | Kidney Failure Treatment...

Nigaar Sultana, on behalf of her brother, came from Jaipur. Her brother was...

  • nehakarma

Diet for kidney patients | kidney rogi ko kya khana cha...

#Kidneybeans are known as rajma in Hindi. #Rajma is good for overall health...

  • nehakarma