
Tag: DissertationWritinghelp

Referencing an Article – Its styles and types

A reference typically contains the names and initials of the authors, the t...

  • phdresearchguidance

Referencing an Article – Its styles and types – PhD Ass...

Referencing plays a crucial step for an manuscript to be successfully publi...

  • phdresearchguidance

Role of Community to Boost Mental Health – PhD Assistan...

Socializing can depend on when you require to chat or need medical assistan...

  • phdresearchguidance

Future Developments in Cultural Psychology of PhD Resea...

The economic disparity was once seen as an important stage of economic grow...

  • phdresearchguidance

Nutritional Interventional trials in muscle and cachexi...

In addition, an overview of nutritional research, treatments and food suppl...

  • phdresearchguidance

Writing a Medical Thesis: Tips for Postgraduate Student...

A medical thesis is a type of literature that is the outcome of original re...

  • Tutors India

Major Types of Cyber Security Threats

To improve cyber security, it is essential to monitor changing and more fre...

  • phdresearchguidance

Benefits Of Parallel Computing In Real Time Application...

Multiple computer processors are used in parallel computing to tackle vario...

  • Tutors India

7 Major Types of Cyber Security Threats

To improve cyber security, it is essential to monitor changing and more fre...

  • phdresearchguidance


As the name suggests, processing an image entails a number of steps before...

  • Tutors India

The Most Significant Security Threats with IOT Devices

IOT device security has long been a source of concern, which inevitably led...

  • Tutors India

Immigrant’s Potentials to Emerge as Entrepreneurs

Immigrant’s cross-cultural experience is one of the most persuasive explana...

  • phdresearchguidance

Semantic Search Using Natural Language Processing – Tut...

Computer-assisted text analysis is known as natural language processing (NL...

  • Tutors India

Management Research Proposal Writing: Challenges and St...

Any research proposal adheres to the relevant field of discipline’s style,...

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What are the main approaches to choose a topic?

The starting point during topic selection could be deliberating about your...

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