Top 5 Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Impact Digital Healthcare - Emorphis
Top 5 ways artificial intelligence will impact digital healthcare. In our article, we explained how AI will impact the digital healthcare. For more info, contact us.

Top 5 Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Impact Digital Healthcare - Emorphis

As per the growth rate of current technology, the day is not far, where machines and computers will be used to do almost every job and healthcare domain holds no exception. Considering today’s time computers & smart devices have taken up almost every aspect of our life. We start our day with smartphones gathering news and updates and when it comes to work hours, we switch to our laptops and computers for work. It is not wrong to say that technology has made a successful entrance in our day-to-day lives. Medical industry has experienced a huge hit by the wave of trending technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and internet of things, robotics, and what not.

Advanced forms of healthcare are coming into existence with the hand-in-hand support of technology. Insurance companies and hospital facilities are now experiencing better rate of productivity with new technology trends and automation.

According to a survey, around 86% of healthcare companies are utilizing artificial intelligence. The revenue growth of these companies is expected to raise up to $54 million by the year 2020 with the use of Artificial intelligence.

Healthcare data is collected through many devices and therefore, it is in huge quantities. With the use of artificial intelligence, this data can be segregated and used in the form of medical records and miscellaneous records. Moreover, by making sense of this bulk data through data management, AI can help in tracing and reformatting it for better access. This is one of the most popular use of artificial intelligence in the field of healthcare.

By making use of the potential of AI applications, healthcare application development can grow at a faster pace and thus provide better treatments to the patients. In fact, the applications of AI are currently being explored for the healthcare software sector and here are a few examples that answer how:

As the world is turning towards smart devices, smartphones are still the most popular choice, as almost everyone possesses a smartphone in today’s digital age. Different smartphone developing firms are getting competitive for creating better user experiences. One such feature that the leading smartphone manufacturing companies are focusing on is- Personal Virtual Assistants. Different popular options are available in the market such as Siri, Cortana and Google assistant that hold tremendous capabilities of AI that make them act like a human.

These systems, when combined with healthcare application development, can generate huge benefits for the people and the companies as well. Virtual assistants clubbed with healthcare apps can be used to notify people about their medicine timing and drug alerts, provide them with patient education material while providing human-like interactions in order to detect the current mental state of a patient. Artificial intelligence used along with these virtual assistants can deliver immense healthcare benefits that will help in achieving monitoring and assisting facilities to patients in the absence of a doctor.

Artificial intelligence in healthcare application development is not just about understanding human commands and responding according to it rather its way more than that. For example, medical research centres are using AI to detect latest use cases in the field of oncology in order to detect abnormalities in reports of X-rays and MRIs. It is also being used in genomics and precision medicine for providing customised treatments according to individual patients based on their conditions.

As per an example illustrated by IBM Watson, artificial intelligence has successfully displayed its capabilities for processing structured and unstructured data obtained from patients. Considering the field of Oncology, AI can work to provide treatment recommendations to patients also as per the company.

Patients with chronic healthcare conditions often need constant check-up and healthcare providers understand the importance of maintaining constant contact with such patients despite their location. Though many hospitals have introduced life-coaching services as a part of their regular overall care, it is often not as cost-effective as it should be. However, with the aid of artificial intelligence and mobile applications working on this technology, it has become very easy for the patients to stay in touch with their doctors and vice versa.

Wearable devices can pull out many data elements that can allow the physician to keep track of the patient’s health level on a regular basis. Moreover, these AI based technology devices also act as powerful mediums for people to take care of their health on a personal level by motivating them to pursue certain goals for a particular day. The alerts and notifications obtained via these devices can be checked by the physician as well to determine the health of a patient.

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Online healthcare portals are trending now days in order to provide healthcare across the boundaries. These portals are also utilizing a new form of assistance to the patients with the help of healthcare AI bots. A healthcare AI bot is a software application integrated with AI logic. It can perform the function of interacting with a patient through a chat window on a healthcare website portal. These are particularly very useful in scheduling appointments and helping the patients with their medical billing needs.

Such uses of AI in the field of healthcare can improve the patient satisfaction level and make them likely to fix more appointments through online channels only. From the medical provider’s or hospital’s perspective, these healthcare bots can reduce administrative costs by offering 24×7 assistance to people by scheduling their appointments and providing them with billing or serving their other clinical requests.

AI in healthcare has many useful cases for radiology. With the power of AI and radiology in healthcare, we can create hybrid intelligence, which can help us to gain more accuracy in terms of diagnostics and improve safety standards as well. These programs could also serve as support systems that have the potential to facilitate diagnostics thus, taking off the pressure from physician’s shoulders.

Moreover, AI in radiology can also help by assisting in diagnostic processes by analysing medical images for MRIs, X-rays, as well as CT scans. The information provided by these can be helpful in terms of providing feedback, which can easily be missed through human eye.

Medical practitioners as well as patients, both are being benefited through the application of AI in healthcare. For example, Patient data is constantly checked for any anomalies through predictive medical care and before the occurrence of any healthcare condition, effective suggestions can be given to the patients in order to avoid them.

On the other hand, diagnosis is improved as AI allows faster research and cross-referencing of data. The obtained data is detailed too that includes handwritten notes, sensor data, as well as the test results. Apart from these benefits, AI also allows cost savings in the long term for both patients as well as care providers through treatment choices, efficient diagnosis, and better decision making help for drug developments.