Most IT Projects Fail: 75% of Projects Fall Short of Goals
IT projects are not always successful—such is the price of innovation. Yet, depending on the source, up to 85% of these projects fail, which seems astronomical.

IT projects are not always successful—such is the price of innovation. Yet, depending on the source, up to 85% of these projects fail, which seems astronomical.

In contrast to other industries, developing information technology solutions has not decreased its failure rate over the past 20 years. The question is, what are the causes, and what can companies do to improve? Why is the failure rate so high, and what are possible strategies to reduce it? And what are the specific challenges of archiving legacy data?

Failure is difficult to measure in IT. Many factors determine the success of a project, but there is no industry-wide terminology. According to German analysts, about half of all IT projects fail. Industry experts, noting the high number of unreported cases, put the failure rate for German companies at around 75%.