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We recognized the need to address the technology challenges specific to a CMO and the marketing department.

joined at 2 years ago

    Digital Marketing Trends to Watch Out in 2023

    Not all marketing changes are here to stay, just as not all fads are trends...

    • martech

    Daily Practices of Data-Driven Marketers

    In the absence of data, marketing is a stale interaction and businesses can...

    • martech

    Martech Interview with Ali Fazal on Creator Management

    In the absence of data, marketing is a stale interaction and businesses can...

    • martech

    MarTech Interview with Deanna Ballew on Digital Experie...

    In an Martech interview on Digital Experience, Deanna Ballew shares views o...

    • martech

    Martech Interview with Lynn Tornabene on Data Strategy

    Lynn highlights in an Martech interview on data strategy about how marketin...

    • martech

    How Shared Values Applies to Digital Media Industry

    There is a shift happening in the wider business community. Organizations a...

    • martech

    Creating successful campaign with the help of DSP

    Programmatic advertising consists of buying and selling digital ad space. H...

    • martech

    Martech expert unpacks the true cost of messy Customer...

    Customer data is the primary need for today's businesses for product person...

    • martech

    3 Ideas for Building a Better Loyalty Program

    Building a better loyalty program is a goal that every organization should...

    • martech

    Rewiring GTM strategy with Customer Success

    GTM ensures you get to the right customers, but now revamp it to deliver de...

    • martech

    Martech Interview with JR Sherman on Event Marketing

    JR Sherman highlights in an Martech interview on event marketing trends and...

    • martech

    Martech Interview with Faisal Galaria on AR in Marketin...

    The AR industry is developing and evolving day by day, with constant innova...

    • martech

    6 Sales Pipeline Metrics Every Business Should Track

    Measuring your company’s pipeline metrics will help you track how well your...

    • martech

    Martech Interview with Laura Haines on eCommerce in Met...

    Laura Haines shares insights in an Martech interview on eCommerce in Metave...

    • martech

    Invest in eCommerce Marketing You Can Control 2022

    Post-pandemic all businesses are changing their eCommerce marketing strateg...

    • martech