Try Neurofeedback Training At Home for Anxiety and Panic Disorders
Today, more than ever, many people are facing the unique challenges of suffering with anxiety. OKen driven by fear, individuals who struggle with anxiety or panic disorders feel limited in everyday life. To help people expand their world, we offer neurofeedback therapy, a noninvasive modality of brain training to help decrease unwanted symptoms and be>er cope with anxiety. To make help more accessible, we also offer Neurofeedback Training At Home.
Anxiety manifests in different forms for different individuals. Panic a>acks occur in the context of an anxiety disorder and are usually a sudden onset of fear with physiological symptoms like palpitaLons or shortness of breath. Even without a formal diagnosis, many people are familiar with the feeling of anxiety and can relate to situaLons of increased worry and fear. Anxiety disorders can be characterized by the presenLng symptoms and context of occurrence. Regardless of the specific diagnosis, anxiety can oKen limit everyday funcLoning or enjoyment of life. Reducing symptoms and minimizing the excessive worry or fear are oKen the goals of neurofeedback therapy.
The approach of Neurofeedback Training At Home
The most commonly prescribed treatment for an individual who struggles with an anxiety disorder is prescripLon medicaLons. Pharmacological treatment does have its benefits. However, there are many other opLons of treatment with less side effects and are less invasive.
Neurofeedback therapy is the treatment opLon to train the anxious brain back to its most efficient and effecLve state. It involves an EEG biofeedback machine and a trained neurofeedback therapist. Through consistency in training, neurofeedback uLlizes the natural healing power of the brain and the biofeedback system to change the way of your brain funcLons.
Neurofeedback therapy is a completely natural and non-invasive process with no side effects. With the support of a cerLfied neurofeedback technician or therapist, individuals who receive neurofeedback therapy can reflect on progress with goals or changes in focus, concentraLon, flexibility, and resilience.
Neurofeedback Training At Home is now available. It is an affordable and convenient opLon that provides an opportunity to train more oKen. We offer two types of systems to choose from, as described below-
NeurOpLmal Advanced Brain Training System- This system trains the enLre EEG spectrum for improved flexibility and resilience. It delivers brain feedback when these pa>erns are occurring to reinforce desired funcLon.
MyndliK Protocol-Based Neurofeedback System- This system enables modificaLon of the brain training to target the EEG frequencies as per desired goals. It records the electrical brain acLvity from five locaLons on the head for data.
Professional service providers monitor this training session from their office and protocols are adjusted remotely. For the best Neurofeedback Training At Home, visit our website.