Rose-Breasted Galah Cockatoos for Sale
Rose-Breasted Galah Cockatoos for Sale, we have healthy hand feed Galah Cockatoo birds for sale, well socialized and easy to train.

Rose-Breasted Galah Cockatoos for Sale

Rose-breasted galah cockatoos for sale, The galah cockatoo are very sweet, playful birds and love to be around their owner all the time. All our birds were hand fed and very accustomed to being handled making them perfect for someone looking for a companion bird.

All rose-breasted galah Cockatoo bird purchased through our site is covered with at least a 30-day health guarantee by the Bird Breeder. If you have questions about what is covered, please view the Law associated with your state.


Within thirty days of purchasing your new Birdie, you must take him/her to a licensed veterinarian for an examination. If the veterinarian determines, within ten days of purchase, that your Bird is clinically ill or will die from an injury sustained or illness likely to have been contracted on or before the date of sale and delivery, you have the following options:

Buy Rose-Breasted Galah Cockatoo - Description

The buy Rose-breasted galah cockatoo (Eolophus roseicapillus) commonly known as the Galah Cockatoo for sale is a native to Australia and can be found in various grassland areas. This cockatoo bird specie is affectionate and friendly, also generally known to be a loving companion. Rose-breasted galah cockatoo is one of the most unique, widespread and popular bird in the large and diverse cockatoo parrot family.

It can be distinguished from other parrots by its unique and beautiful plumage alongside their loveable temperament. They are very intelligent and enjoy the company of their owner, love to learn new tricks and impress their human owner. Being a native to Australia the rose-breasted cockatoo is able to adjust to dry climate conditions and can also adapt to a shift in climatic changes.


The rose-breasted galah cockatoos is a high-maintenance pet. They need a lot of attention and will become depressed, angry and destructive without it. If you are interested in purchasing a rose-breasted galah parrot, make sure that you have plenty of free time to spend with your pet. The galah for sale is capable of imitating human words, sounds like train whistles, car horns, or telephone ringtones. Some say males are more prolific talkers than females.

Rose Breasted galah cockatoos for sale