Buzz Boss Mosquito Control
Traditional pest control companies focus on the commercial market, are old fashioned, expensive, and wasteful.

Buzz Boss Mosquito Control

Insect problem? Buzz Boss™ is Canada's residential pest control expert. The Buzz Boss™ System identifies the problem, stops the flying and crawling pests from invading your property, and makes sure they don't come back. Our Buzz Boss™ System treatments go far beyond hardware store products- we use professional grade equipment and licensed trained technicians to solve your pest problems.


Dealing with any sort of pests in your home, whether it’s ants or critters can be stressful and disruptive to the whole family. We get it. We have families, too. Taking care of what bugs you is why we offer pest control services in Calgary and Alberta. We want to help eradicate the problem and give you peace of mind.